Thirty Two

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I opened my eyes and found myself snuggled into Ian. It was still dark outside and I tried to grab my phone to check the time. Ian's arms restricted me, so I carefully lifted one of them off of me and then rolled off of the other. I felt on the bedside table for my phone but it wasn't there. Then I realized that I hadn't walked to bed last night.

Grumbling under my breath, I stood up and made my way through the darkness and into the living room, where I turned on the light.

Author's note: My dad just brought me pudding and I'm really happy about it so I decided to interrupt my story to tell you all!

I squinted for a moment before adjusting to the light and continuing through the hotel room. I found my phone on the coffee table and sat down to check it. The time was 04:52.

The sun should be up soon. I was too awake to go back to bed so I stayed where I was and scrolled through social media. There were positive messages such as:

@somerhalderisbae: I think the two of you are so cute together! xx

@tvdfanclub: Aaaah Natalie is so pretty and nice! I'm so glad Ian is moving on from his divorce. Anything that makes him happy makes me happy!

....And then there were bad messages:

@theprettylittlevampirediaries: Ew why would Ian just move on so soon and leave Nikki alone like that? Natalie is so dumb!

Haha, she clearly doesn't know that Nikki moved on a week after the divorce.

I sighed. The hate comments were always so stupid. People never know the truth these days. And the things they make up are just ridiculous. 

Update: The pudding is very sickly and I left half of it in the bowl.......(don't tell my dad though!) haha! xx

As the sun began to rise, I made a coffee and sat on the balcony, managing to get some great pictures of the view. 

*Ian's POV*

I woke up as the sun finished rising. As I opened my eyes, I remembered that I was in Natalie's hotel room, but there was no Natalie. I quickly got up and raced out of the room, probably way more concerned than I should've been. I stopped when I saw her sat on the balcony, looking out at the city below.


I walked over and sat beside her.

"Morning!" she chirped.

"Hey!" I replied, "How long have you been up?"

"Since around five this morning."

"Wow! Why didn't you sleep, Nat?"

"I did. But I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep."

"Okay, fair enough." I said, accepting that she must've had enough sleep, considering she fell asleep on me at seven.

I looked around me at the scene. I was there, looking over the amazing view with Natalie, an amazing girl. "This is the perfect moment." I murmured to myself. 

"What?" Natalie asked.

"N-nothing." I replied, embarrassed that she'd heard me. Natalie simply shrugged and turned back to the view.

This is the moment. Seize it, Ian! Ask her!

"Hey Natalie." I said, grabbing her attention.

"Yeah?" she answered, giving me a concerned look.

I patted my lap. "Can you come here for a moment, please?" I asked, silently pleading for her to agree. Much to my relief she got up and plonked down onto my lap with force. I chuckled at her and placed my hands on her waist.

"So, I know I've only known you for a week, but it feels like forever." I began. She grinned.

"Yeah, same with me. I feel like you're one of my best friends already." she told me, looking into my eyes. 

Oh no! What if she's friend-zoned me? 

Ian, you have to ask anyway. You don't know if she has or not until you do!

"Yeah, me too, but-" I blurted out, unsure of what to say next. She stared at me expectantly.

"Maybe I want to be more than friends?" I offered. Natalie shifted uncomfortably. 

"Ian, what are you saying?"

I drew in a long breath of air, mentally preparing myself for what came next.

"Natalie.....Will you be my girlfriend?"

Author's note: Yay I finally wrote the question! You'll have to wait for her response though.... ;) I'll do it tomorrow because I'm tired now! xx

I love you, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now