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I sighed and looked down at my watch for what felt like the hundredth time. Ian was late to our "date", if that was even what I could call it. I'd only been waiting for 15 minutes but I already started to wonder whether he would even turn up. I looked around the beach one more time, preparing to leave. When I turned around, however, I was greeted by a warm, muscly chest.

"Going somewhere?" Ian said, cheekily wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, to look for you." I replied with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Look, I'm sorry I'm late. I had a few things to deal with at home."

I sighed dramatically.

"It's ok, I mean, you only missed out on spending fifteen extra minutes with me, the most amazing human on the planet!"

"Awe, such a shame." He laughed, pouting in mock sadness.

"You know it!" I winked.

He grinned at me and winked back.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked.

"Um, I was thinking we could just stay on the beach. I have a picnic in my car."

"Oh, sure. Sounds awesome." I said, smiling. It was a really nice day so I wasn't gonna complain.

We walked back to his car to pick up the food and then went to find a good spot on the beach. We chose an area with only a few people around, just two couples and a group of teenagers splashing around in the water. The picnic was amazing. We talked about our friends, our families, our careers and our interests. I withheld everything to do with Liam, thinking it was probably a bit early for that. I noticed that he said nothing about his wife, Nikki. I decided not to say anything though, telling myself he was speak up when he felt like it.

"Did you make these?" I asked, chewing on a sandwich.

"Uh, yeah. Why? Is it bad?" he gestured to the picnic basket, "If you don't like it I have ham and cheese ones here."

"No! It's delicious."

"Oh, thanks." he paused, "Why do you sound so surprised?"

"I don't know, I guess I just sort of pictured you having kitchen staff to do all of this." I said sheepishly.

"Haha," his laugh seemed uneasy, "no, I don't have any staff. I like to do things by myself."


I stayed silent from then and eventually fell asleep on the sand. I woke up to Ian prodding me on the shoulder.

"Hey, Natalie, wake up."

"Ugh, whyyy?" I whined.

"Because there are photographers over there and I don't want them to take pictures of you." he said, pulling my arm, "now get up, we should go."

I got up, alarmed by his words. I put my sunglasses on to hide my face and walked with him to his car. Once inside, Ian started driving.

"Why didn't you want them taking pictures of me? I'm only a friend."

"Yeah, I know Natalie. But the media like to find gossip wherever they can. And I don't want you to get caught up in all of that." he said, a concerned look on his face.

"Oh, ok then, Thanks, I guess." I said.

I looked over to him as he drove. I admired the way he flexed his biceps when he turned the steering wheel, and the way his brow furrowed in concentration at roundabouts.

Oh my god, Natalie! stop staring at him! He's married, remember?

I quickly turned away and faced the front.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"You'll see." Ian smirked.

When we arrived at our destination, it was not what I was expecting at all. Ian had brought me to the funfair.

"The funfair?" I said, taking in all of the flashing lights and the smell of candy floss wafting through the air.

"No, the carnival." Ian replied, chuckling at my English terms.

I hit him gently. "Shut up." I smiled.

"Do you want cotton candy?" he asked, not waiting for an answer before starting off towards the stand.

"Yes, I would very much like some candyfloss!"

Watching the woman at the stand make our candyfloss was mesmerizing. I wanted classic pink but Ian went for blue. The way it twizzled around the stick was really cool. She handed me mine first and I immediately grabbed my phone to snap a picture for Instagram. Ian laughed when he saw what I was doing.

"Hey, let me put mine in too!" he said and shoved his candyfloss into the shot. I took the picture and put my phone back in my pocket.

We sat down on a bench to eat and I saw the sun setting in the distance. I looked at the time. 08:27?

"Wow, look at the time." I remarked.

"Haha, yeah. You were asleep for a long time."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. You should've woken me up!"

"No, no, it's fine. You were cute."He said, smiling softly at me.

"Amy will be wondering where I am." I said.

"Ok, at least go on the Ferris wheel with me before I take you back?" Ian suggested, pointing to the big wheel a little way away.

"Sure, why not?"

The queue for the ride wasn't very long. We were on it in about five minutes. Our cart was bright green, with pink flowers painted on.

"This look like something from the Fimbles." I commented as we got in.

"The what?"

"The Fimbles. Don't tell me you didn't have the Fimbles here in America?"


"Oh my gosh you seriously missed out. The Fimbles was, like, everyone in my generation's favourite TV program as kids."

"Wow, you have to show me this Fimbles show!"

"It wasn't that great, if I think about it," I giggled, "but four year old Natalie definitely disagreed."

Ian laughed. I looked out at the view. I could see the ocean from here. It was glistening in the soft light of the sunset.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" I asked, turning to face Ian. He was staring at me and he looked like he'd been staring at me for a while.

"What? Do I have candyfloss on my face?" I brought my hand up to wipe it away.

Ian took my hand and lowered it back down to my side.

"No," he smiled, "you're just beautiful." I felt myself blush as he leaned in, his lips slowly closing in on mine. I felt myself lean in too, but at the last moment I pulled away.

"Wait, no, Ian. You're married!"

He looked at me as if he didn't understand. But soon he nodded and pulled back.

"Oh yeah," he chuckled, nervously running a hand through his hair. "About that...."

I love you, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now