Forty Six

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Please read A/N at the end :)

Ethan gave me a long, hard stare before answering my question. 

"Well, I saw your Instagram. Seeing that just sort of made me think about how little I know about you these days. We haven't spoken in about three years, for god's sake! I heard about Liam, he was a good guy. I meant to reach out to you when he......passed. But I didn't think I'd be welcome seeing as I hadn't been there before." I listened to his rant, not interrupting until he was done.

"You would've always been welcome." I mumbled. "You were my best friend. I always wanted you to come back, but I guess I thought the same thing as you. I didn't think you'd want me there because of how distant we'd become."

"Really?" he asked, clearly confused about this. 

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter now. You're here." I smiled.

He smiled back and we shared a long, comfortable hug.

"Oh yeah," he said, suddenly remembering something. "I also came here to scold you for getting together with one of my biggest celebrity crushes." he scowled playfully.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Ethan is gay. He realized it while dating Amy and it was why they broke up.

I laughed. "Haha, sorry, Eth. I don't think he swings both ways."

"Dammit!" he stomped his foot on the floor in a fake tantrum.

"Honestly, though, I'm happy for you. He's kind, charming and not to mention extremely hot!

"Alright, alright. No need to get jealous on me. I don't want a repeat of Amy."

"What?" he queried.

"Oh, um, Amy and I had a fight last week because she was jealous of me even though she obviously has no reason to be and she thinks I'm always in the spotlight."

Ethan sat and thought for a moment. 

"Have you spoken since?"

"No, I want to make up but I'm so stubborn and I can't bring myself to do it. I want to do it in the next few days though."

"I see. You have to make up. You've been best friends for years. That can't go to waste for some stupid petty argument that can be fixed."

"I know...."

Finishing his coffee in one long swig, Ethan held his hand out to me and pulled me up. 

"Come on." He said, dragging me towards the door. 

"What? Why?" I asked.

"We are going to McDonald's for dinner."

"Well I'm not going to argue with that." I stated, pulling on my shoes and heading out of the door. 

We got into my Bruce and drove to McDonald's. Along the way we jammed out to some of our favourite songs from Uni. Turns out his music taste hadn't faltered one single bit. 

When we arrived after fifteen minutes of terrible singing and half-arsed dance moves, I welcomed the sight of the large yellow 'M' stood before me. We went inside and ate. I hadn't had this in so long! I'd forgotten how good the chicken selects and strawberry milkshake was! 

We talked and laughed and caught up on everything that had happened in the past three years. I found out he has a long term boyfriend called Mike who he'd been with for one and a half years. They had a small house in Exeter with a pug called Bailey. He also worked as an engineer in a car garage. He'd done well for himself. 

Overall, that night was a lot of fun. When Ethan left for his hotel I ate some cupcakes and watched boring TV until I felt sleepy. At that point, I decided to go to bed, drifting off into dreamland without a second thought.

A/N: Ugh I'm three days into school and already want to hibernate until next summer! 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I just wanted to let you know that I've planned out every chapter from now until the end and there's not much left to be honest. My plan only goes up to chapter sixty but maybe I can add on to it depending on how rushed I feel the chapters are. The maximum amount will probably be around sixty five. Sorry if this is disappointing haha! I have other books planned though so stick around for those :) xx

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