Thirty Three

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"Natalie, I'm so sorry. I know we've only know each other for a week and it's really crazy me asking but please just consider it!" Ian pleaded with me.

After Ian had asked me to be his girlfriend, to say I was surprised would be an understatement.I had run into the bathroom, mainly to think, but also to avoid Ian while I thought.

"Why?" I asked, through the door. I heard him sigh before continuing.

"Because I'm very interested in you and I want to keep getting to know you and it felt like this was the right thing to do." he said, his voice soft. I could tell he was telling the truth, but that wasn't the answer I was looking for.

"No," I sighed, "Why me? Why are you interested in me? You could've had practically any girl on the planet but you chose me. I'm nothing special. So I want to know why you're interested in plain old Natalie Shipman from London."

"Well..." he started, "For starters, you're an amazing person. You're so kind and funny and trustworthy and loyal and every good word I can think of. And not to mention how beautiful you are. Honestly, Nat, I want to melt into you every time I look into your pretty eyes."

I giggled quietly, a blush rising to my cheeks.

"I was also very surprised that you weren't an obsessed fan girl like everyone else at the meet and greet. I mean, I couldn't really tell when we first met because you only said three words to me. But at dinner I realized that you were as genuine as anyone could ever be." he continued.

His words were making me consistently happier and happier by the second.

"How do you know it was only three words?" I teased, knowing fully well what his answer would be.

"Because I remember exactly how the conversation went. I started by saying 'Nervous, huh?' and you said 'Um, yeah'. Then I said 'What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from?' and then you said 'Natalie25London'. Then you ran away from me." he said, causing my already goofy smile into a ridiculously wide, non-human smile.

Having made up my mind, I suddenly burst the door open and leaped into Ian's arms. I'd planned for a tight hug but I stretched up and found myself kissing him passionately for the third time in that week. I pulled away and nodded my head frantically.

"YES!" I squealed at him. He grinned even wider than me and pulled me in for another kiss.

Wow, Natalie, four passionate kisses in one week. Slow it down!

I ignored my thoughts and continued what I was doing. When I pulled away for the last time it finally dawned on me that I had a boyfriend!

"Oh my god! I have to tell Amy!!" I exclaimed, dashing to find my phone. When I found it, I sat down in Ian's lap and started to text.





I know, how did it go?


Wait, you knew?


Yeah, that's why we all left you alone yesterday. Then you fell asleep when he was about to ask you, so I stayed here overnight so that he could ask you this morning!


Oh, ok....


Anyway, that doesn't matter! How did it go?


Oh, um.




Haha of course I said yes!



I'm coming home right now!!


Can't wait *rolls eyes*


"Is that my cue to leave?" Ian asked, glancing at my phone screen.

"Nooooo, of course not!" I replied, my voice heavily coated in sarcasm.

"I'll go. I need to get ready to drop you off at the airport." he said, standing up to leave.

"You don't have to do that." We walked side by side to the doorway

"But I want to so that I can give you a proper goodbye." Ian kissed my forehead.

"Okay," I spoke softly, as he leaned in to kiss me.

As Ian walked down the hall, I called after him "For the record, I only went to that meet and greet for you!"

He turned and grinned.

"What can I say? All of this is clearly irresistible." he smirked, gesturing to his body.

I hid my smile as I turned and closed my hotel room door.

Was this really happening?

I love you, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now