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May 04, 2016
Dear you,
I learned my lesson. Next time I fall in love, i'll keep it inside. No one must know about it, not even that guy. However, I doubt that there will ever be a chance like this. I feel like I won't be able to open my heart to anyone else. it's damaged. And, I continued hoping that you'll come back to me and give us a shot. I realized that I've become as obsessed and desperate as the pathetic people I know. I don't want to be like that. But I want you to know that I learned how to fight. For now I guess I'll just stop pestering you. Maybe, that's how you feel. I don't know when this would end and I'm so scared. But, if ever you and I do not cross paths again, then, I'll rather be alone, knowing I'm safe on my own.

Love always,

May 7, 2016
Dear you,
I miss you! I thought I was fine... I had my family and friends. I thought I could live my life just like before when you're not yet someone to me. But, now, I need you. You're the one I love. And, I am so scared of the guy who is not you. I hate to think the fact that you, who I love, doesn't want me and the guy who likes me isn't the one I want. He keeps on pushing it but I reject! I can't force myself to like him. I just don't. I wish he would just leave me alone. I hate this feeling. I'm looking like a bad person. I know I'm no different from him. I know I also bother you. Then, I feel guilty for ignoring him and hurting his feelings but the truth is I just want him to stop. I wish you could save me from him. Yet it hurts even more because I know you want me to do the same. I know you want me to stop this. Don't worry. I'll just keep on missing and dreaming of you.


May 11, 2016
Dear you,
I'm not really sure what you really want. You apologize to me but I can't find anything to accuse you. I don't know how you see me. But I hope you see me differently. I'm trying to accept my situation, my fate. But the more you show me kindness, the more you make me change the way I see myself.

I don't want to be a pathetic person. I don't want to look like a fool anymore cause you boys played me. I just hope you're safer to play with. Unlike someone I met. And I hope I don't end up like the guy whose heart I broke (unintentionally, of course). I didn't want to make him wait but it was his choice. Maybe, my choice was to wait too. But you didn't tell me not to.

Love always,

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