22. Leave To Cool

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22. Leave To Cool

"Hey, Delilah," Logan began quietly as he paced up and down the expanse of his kitchen, glancing over at his brother who lay asleep on the couch, "Juno's not at his house right now, he's at my apartment

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"Hey, Delilah," Logan began quietly as he paced up and down the expanse of his kitchen, glancing over at his brother who lay asleep on the couch, "Juno's not at his house right now, he's at my apartment. Can you come get him from here?"

Delilah agreed and said she would be there in about twenty minutes. Logan placed his phone back in his pocket and walked into the living room, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. Juno shifted a little and rustled the blankets a little before settling back down.

Nick came from the hallway, his face morphed into a yawn and his arms high above his head. His eyes softened as he looked at Juno before heading into the kitchen. The sounds of bowls clashing together and utensils being dropped on the floor sharply cut through the silence of the room. Logan winced when Juno's eyes popped open and sighed.

"Hey," Logan patted Juno's leg. "You want me to get you some breakfast?"

Juno nodded sleepily and Logan stood up slowly.

"Oh, and Delilah will be here in a little bit to pick you up," Logan said.

"I'm not staying with you?" Juno asked.

"Not today," Logan said. "I've got to head to the bakery."

Nick slid into the room at that point, a piece of bread between his fingers and a knife in the other.

"Delilah's coming over?" he asked casually.

Logan raised an eyebrow at him and walked into the kitchen. "Yes, she is."

Nick nodded and put the bread in the toaster. "Is she staying long?"

"She's here for Juno, not you, horny animal," Logan said and Nick snapped his head towards him. "I'm not horny!" Nick gasped.

Logan smirked at him and grabbed a glass of water.

"If anyone's horny it's you and the happy-pappy bakery bumpkin," Nick grinned.

"We're not..." Logan started but was at a loss of words.

"You think I didn't see you running out of the burrito place with her stuck to your hip?" Nick asked.

Logan sighed. "I didn't think anyone was paying attention."

"You sly fox," Nick said. "Getting with the boss."

"She's not the boss," Logan grumbled and Nick hid his smile as the toast popped.

After Nick had wolfed back his breakfast and Juno had run around the bathroom, trying to make himself presentable, Logan had managed to get his little brother calm enough to sit still in front of the television. Delilah came a few minutes later, crashing through the front door with her hands full of bags.

Logan rushed forward to help her but Nick was already there, grabbing the bags out of her hands. Logan gave him a look as he walked forward.

"Hey," he greeted the babysitter with a smile.

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