25. Roll out Fondant

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25. Roll Out Fondant

Charity stared down at the piece of paper in her hand in shock

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Charity stared down at the piece of paper in her hand in shock. She had done it. All the planning, then the waiting and there it finally was. A smile graced her face and Charity felt butterflies build up in her stomach. She didn't know what she would tell people but she was more than excited to.

She folded the paper up and slid it into the pocket of her jacket. Charity glanced at herself in the mirror above her desk on the wall and smiled. This was it. Her life could finally start again. No more sitting around and wondering when her time would be. This piece of paper proved everything to herself. That she was actually worth it.

"Dinner!" she heard her dad call from downstairs.

"Coming," Charity called back and shoved her hands in her pocket, fingers ruffling the paper between her hands as she walked out of her room and down the stairs to the dining room.

Her three brothers were already seated, talking loudly to each other and passing bowls and plates around. Charity took a seat, though no one acknowledged her when she did. The smell of rich tomato sauce wafted through the room as the sounds of spaghetti slopping on plates and crusty bread being torn open with a satisfying crunch came after. Charity tried to get to the bowls of food but they were passed by her ignored hands without a glance. She sighed and finally managed to get hold of the pasta when everyone was beginning to eat.

Her mom and dad sat on either end of the table, two of her brothers opposite her and her younger brother by a year sat to her left. She tried not to focus on how far away he had place his chair. Forks scraping over plates were the only sounds to be heard in the Evans' house. Charity put her fork down gently and took a quick will of water. Her hand went to her pocket, clasping the paper tightly. She pulled it out, playing with the corner and took in a deep breath to speak.


"So, I have some news," Daniel said from his place opposite Charity.

She closed her mouth, realizing that no ones attention was on her but settled on her brother instead.

"What is it?" Charity's dad asked, swirling pasta around his fork.

"I applied to Ohio state for football last month," Daniel said and a grin slid over his face. "And I got in!"

The table erupted in congratulations. Charity felt one leave her lips but she wasn't truly aware of it. Her dad's face broke out into one of the biggest smiles she had ever seen and Charity's heart dropped. Tonight he was supposed to finally smile at her like that.

Charity smiled and patted Daniel's hand, keeping quiet as she slid the piece of paper back into her jacket pocket where it would stay.


Maisie decided to shut the bakery for the day.

There was nothing she could do anyway. There was no more money to put into the interior decorating so now it was just a run down room with scratched seats, shattered cabinets and vandalized walls. She told everyone it was because she couldn't sell anything when the place looked like a mess.

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