26. Cover Cake

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26. Cover Cake

Logan woke up quickly, suddenly and with a killer headache

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Logan woke up quickly, suddenly and with a killer headache. He was alone in a hospital room with a stinging arm and the smell of rubbing alcohol bleeding through the walls thickly. He stared down at his wrist to see a bandaid over it with a little pool of blood attaching itself to the adhesive.

Logan sat upright stiffly as a woman came into the room. The nurse walked over and held her finger over Logan's neck.

"Heartbeats finally gone down. Good," she said to herself then looked at Logan. "I'm Sam. I've been monitoring you with a doctor for the last few hours. You've been here since three in the morning, it's now eight."

"What happened?" Logan asked.

"You don't remember?"

"Bits," Logan admitted. "I remember throwing up, then it went blurry. I guess I passed out."

"Actually you didn't," Sam said. "You were conscious when your friends brought you here. Incoherent, but conscious. You've been in and out the last few hours."

"Are my friends still here?" Logan asked.

"A couple left, two of them are still here," she said. "They just went to get a drink."

Logan sighed, feeling like shit and wanting all the lights to turn off.

"Alright," the nurse started. "You can leave whenever you want. The drugs and alcohol are almost completely out of your system. The marijuana you took was laced with another, more toxic, drug. Luckily, it's gone now and you were around people when you took it. Could have been much worse. Stop by the front desk and they'll give you a sheet with all your info about what happened. You should be completely fine but if you start throwing up again or become extremely dizzy over the next twenty-four hours come back."

"It was laced?" Logan asked.

"Well you had dizzy spells, vomiting, came in and out of consciousness and you were severely drunk. But as for the drugs you took, yes, they were laced with another drug. You're lucky the amount hidden in the marijuana wasn't more."

Logan nodded. "Thanks," he croaked out.

"Wait till your friend's come back and then you can go," Sam said. "Be more careful next time."

As the nurse slipped out of the room, another person walked in. Logan watched as Maisie walked into the room and stood at the foot of the bed. For some reason he felt apprehensive and guilty as hell. Maisie looked tired, her eyes a little red and a yawn almost falling from her lips.

"Hi," Logan said quietly and Maisie choked out an unamused laugh. "I'm sorry."

Maisie shook her head, eyes blurring up suddenly and Logan leaned forward, wanting to comfort her.

"They said that if no one was with you, you probably would have fallen unconscious and choked to death on your own vomit," Maisie said bluntly.

Logan looked down.

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