Chapter: 5

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The movie was great! And dinner was amazing too. It was fun and everyone just made it great. Mark and his new girlfriend, they were there. The more the merrier! Anyways We all are at Josh's house and we are all deciding wether to watch anime or play games like Mario kart. Tyler suggests we just take a vote. I vote for Mario kart and so does Jenna, and Josh.Then of course the other 3 choose Anime. So we are kinda tied here. Then Jenna said "Lets just have Tyler and Josh play rock, paper scissors. Best 2 out of 3 wins." We looked at them and they agreed. They have eachother deathstares and Tyler mouthed "Your going down." Josh laughed and said "No Ty I'm going up!" We just laughed. Go! Tyler and Josh both said "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!" Tyler shot a rock and Josh shot scissors. "Who's goin up down Josh?" he mocked him. "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!" Same thing but opposite. Tied. This determines it all. "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!" Josh won with scissors against Tyler's paper. Tyler dramatically threw himself to the ground and Josh threatened to jump on him. So we got out the Wii, hooked it up and put in Mario kart. Its currently 10 p.m. We played as teams. The 'Anime' Team and the racers! Obviously my team me, Jenna and Josh, and of course we won. I checked the time and it was 2 a.m. oh goodness I didn't think we were up that late. I told everyone. Josh suggested they just stay the night over at his place. Josh only had 2 guest bedrooms so Tyler and Jenna got one and Mark and his girlfriend got one. Josh suggested I slept in his room. I got nervous and just agreed where else could I go anyway? So when we were all tired we went into the rooms. We had all planned something for tomorrow. I got in the bed and Josh got in about 5 minutes later. I felt very nervous. I do like him. I think. I want to know. Do I like him or do I.... I... Love him?

Josh's POV.
I figured it out. I don't like
(Y/N). I love her. I really do. I'm sure of it. I just dont think she is sure though or would even like me. I knew I liked her and now I'm positive I love her. She's funny, smart, beautiful, nice, and just Amazing. I want to be with her. I want to be hers. I want her to be mine. The thoughts run through my head. Until they were interrupted by her. "Are you okay Josh?" "Yeah, Yeah I'm fine." I smiled. She smiled back. God I love her smile. It's cute, She's cute.
We fell asleep.

The next morning

I woke up. It was 9 she wasn't in bed. I jumped up and went outside the room. Everyone was sitting at the table talking. "Morning sleepy head." (Y/N) joked. I blushed "Hey everyone." I yawned. I made cereal for everyone. "Look Josh is making breakfast for us awe." Tyler said. "Shut up." I said and placed thier cereal bowls down. I gave him a fake smile and laughed he laughed too. "So we all still going out today?" Jenna asked. "I'm excited!" (Y/N) said and jumped up. I blushed and giggled. God her giggle is adorable! I love her. "Hey Josh, snap out of it. Its time to go." I jumped "Oh yeah sorry I'll go get my keys."I said quickly. "okay we will be outside in the car." Tyler said. I went to the room and looked for my keys. Then (Y/N) knocked. "Come in!" I said without turning around to see who it was. I was still looking everywhere for my keys and my wallet. "I can't find my wallet." I said still not looking. "Yeah. of course" my eyes widen. The voice, (Y/N)!
I jumped I felt my cheeks get hot, really hot. I backed up into the wall. "Urm...Um. Thanks
(Y/N) you dont need to."
I said nervously. "No its okay I want to." she smiled and said. God Josh why are you such an idiot "You don't have to help?" what was that? Why I am I so nervous? It wasn't this awkward when I was just finding out. Why is it now? I just love her so much and dont want to ruin this, friendship. How do i tell her I'm madly in love with her? When do I tell her? Never been this crazy about a girl since my last girlfriend, 2 years ago. I would like this one to work. "Is this what your looking for?" she laughed and jiggled the keys. I found my wallet and said "Thanks." and smiled. "Not so fast, Dun if you want these keys you'll have to catch me." she ran out the door fast. Wow. Finally something not awkward. I ran out the door. Then the front door and locked it. I ran in her direction I thought I had got her there I tripped and fell.... On Top of her. I blushed alot. ALOT

Your POV.

I took his keys and told him to catch me. I ran outside and I thought I would got away but then he tripped and fell. On top of me he blushed. I did too. We were in front of the car and the guys and girls, were all taking pictures and laughing. He blushed even more and got up and dusted himself off and put out his hand. I took it when I stood up, we just stared at eachother. "Haha, sorry I tripped." He scrated the back of his neck. "Oh it's fine. I'm not injured. Are you?" I asked He shook his head. "Hey Lovebirds!, not trying to ruin your moment but it's time to go." Tyler yelled and laughed along with everyone in the car. We blushed and walked towards the car.

Hey everyone thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed sorry that I updated late. I was babysitting and was waiting to go home when I got home I was exhausted. Watching 3 kids isn't easy. Anyways here you go! I will update as soon as possible thank you so much for 299 reads. Lol almost 300 I didn't think I was gonna reach even 20 readers. Thank you again. Follow me on my social media accounts of you aren't already and leave suggestions for the next chapters or how long this should be and more books to write later on. And sorry for any mistakes in spelling.
Instagram: Fairly._joshler

Stay alive. |-/ See you later Frens.

 Love And Forget        [Josh Dun × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now