Chapter: 13

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When we found Tyler and The others I yelled "Get away from them!" they looked at me and I slid my feet to stop myself. Josh and Jenna caught up and held me back. "You monster! Why are you here?! Go away! Get out of my life!" i yelled and fell to my knees. Josh fell with me and Jenna grabbed Tyler and them and pulled them towards us. "Mind telling me what's happening?" Tyler said looking at Jenna. "That's her Mom." Josh said. "Your her mom?" Tyler said sounding hurt. "Yes I am. I must be famous. Huh?" she said putting her hand behind her face in a posing position. "Yeah. I have a couple questions for you though." Tyler said. I was still on the ground with Josh who was rubbing my back. "Why did you abuse her?" Tyler asked looking down at me. "You told them?! Your worthless and dumb." she yelled at me. "Of course I told thwm. They're my family!" I yelled back. "Hey don't call her that!" Mark yelled. "These people?! These people aren't you flesh and blood! I am!" She said and made a fist. "We Are more of a family then you were to her!  She deserves better." Josh said trying to pick me up. "We don't need to be flesh and blood to be her family. We love her! Obviously you didnt." Jenna Yelled. All this telling is hurting me, Reminding me of all the bad times. They would come home drunk and argue. Then take thier anger out on me. I'm done. "I put up with you for 17 YEARS OF MY LIFE! MY WHOLE CHILDHOOD AND I SUFFERED! CAUSE YOU WERE DRUG ADDICTS AND DRUNKIES! YOU ABUSED ME I NEVER SAID ANYTHING I FOUND THIS BAND WHO SAVED ME FROM THE WORRIES I HAVE THEY SAVED ME SOMETHING YOU OR ANYONE ELSE NEVER DID! GET OUT OF MY LIFE" I yelled trying to run at her. Josh had my wrist and pulled me back. "You low life worthless mistake. That isn't a way to talk to your Mother is it. Maybe you need to have some sense knocked into you." she said calmly walking closer and closer to us. Tyler and Jenna jumped in front of us "don't come any closer." Tyler said. "If you do we might just have to put you in place." Jenna said looking back at me and Josh. "YOU WERE NEVER MY MOTHER! YOU NEVER WILL BE MOTHERS CARE FOR THIER CHILDREN AND DON'T ABUSE THEM PHYSICALLY OR EXCEPTIONALLY! I'M THE LOWLIFE?! THINK AGAIN LADY!" I yelled still trying to run at her. She turned around "You think again I'm your blood. I have birth to you..." she went quiet then suddenly ran at me she slapped me. Tyler picked her up by her waist and threw her over his shoulder. She was hitting his back but he didn't care. He walked over to the other side of the road. "Stay here don't ever come near us again. We will press charges and get a restraining order." Tyler started walking away. "This isn't the last of me. I will return." she yelled at Tyler. He stopped and turned around "No you won't." He walked towards us "Lets go home." He said helping Josh pick me up. "I'm sorry (Y/N)." Mark's girlfriend said and rubbed my back. "I just want to go lay down in a dark room." I closed my eyes. They put me in the back seat of the car I balled up and started to cry harder and harder. Josh sat in back with me. He picked me up and I layed my head on his shoulder. "Its okay (Y/N). Your safe with us. We won't ever let her come hurt you again." He said and picked me chin up looking into my eyes. I. Kissed him "Thank you guys. I love you all. You are the only family I have." I said still crying. "We love you too and we will Do anything to keep you safe." Jenan said looking back at us. I fell asleep. When we got home Josh tried to wake me up. I didnt want to get up at all. He picked me up and took me to the room he set me down gently on the bed and Kissed my lips then my forehead. "Call me if you need anything at all. I'm Just going to be in the livnig room." I said walking towards the door he turned off the light and closer the door. I layed there looking at the celing. She was probably right. I am worthless and dumb and a low life idiot. I cried louder. I looked at the pencil sharpener on tha bedside table. I took the blade out and sat up. I held the blade over my wrist. I didnt cut myself. Yet. Josh walked in. "Hey (Y/N)- What are you doing?!" He ran over to me and took the blade out of hand. "I am worthless and dumb and an idiot." I cried. "No. No you aren't your so amazing and so worth it. Your the best girl I've ever met." he said putting his hands on my knees looking at me. "Really? How do i know you aren't lying?" I asked "After all we've been through. I don't think that's fake. I love you. I love you (Y/N) (L/N)." he said and Kissed me again. "These wrists are pretty unmarked. So is your whole body it's pretty and perfect when it's unmarked." he said sounding like he was about to cry. He started to kiss my wrist. 1,2,3 and layed back and brought me with him. "Believe me yet?" he asked. "Yeah I do. Thank you." he smiled. "Please don't do it again. Please. You can always talk to any of us." He said grabbing my hand He placed it on his chest Still intertwined he layed there. "Come with me." He said getting up and putting a hand out.
"Where to?"
"Come. You'll see."
I followed him He took me to the restroom.
"What are we doing in here?" I asked
He had the blade and showed it to me. He threw it in the toilet and flushed it. "Lets never have to do that again. Okay?"
"Good. Lets go lay down." He said kissing my cheek.
"I know you probably aeent ready to go out or anything. But what do you think about going on a date with me Saturday?"
"Great. Can't wait!" we went to go lay down. We stared at the ceiling. "I love you (Y/N)."
"I love you too Josh."
We fell asleep hand in hand.
How lucky am I to have such a great guy like Josh Dun?
Very lucky.

Hello Frens!
Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
I will update as soon as possible. And I want to thank all you for 1.27k! It gets bigger and bigger every time I check.
Anyways don't forget to follow my instagram @ Fairly._joshler and when you do dm and tell me if you came from wattpad! And don't forget to Vote and Comment!! Sorry for any mistakes in the reading.

~ Tøri
           Stay alive Frens

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