Chapter: 15

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I love them. They are my family. My only friends. My only family. I'm glad to have them. I'm glad they found me.
I woke up on the floor but I wasn't in our house. What? where am i? I kept looking around for something that looked familiar wether it was someone or a couch or something. Ugh where's Josh? Where's Tyler? Where's Jenna?
I found my phone. I saw the time 10:17 a.m.
I tried to ring Josh, Voicemail
Jenna, Voicemail
Tyler, He picked up.
"Hey (Y/N)? What's up? You okay?"
"Yeah im fine. I think. I don't know where I am... And I can't find Josh or Jenna anywhere and I already tried calling them. Nothing."
"Oh you guys went out to a party at Mark's and got drunk. I told you all not to drive home and I'll be fine."
"Oh. I faintly remember. Where are you?"
"I'm at the house. I got sick and started getting migraines and throwing up constantly."
"Oh yeah. Are you doing fine now?"
"Yeah im good. Just needed some rest."
"Okay that's good. Do you know where Josh and Jenna are?"
"No idea. sorry. But I can try getting ahold of Jenna."
"Okay thanks."
"No problem. I'll text you if I get a hold of them."
"Okay, bye."
I decided to text Josh
To: My Love💘 (Josh)
Hey, Josh I called Tyler cause I woke up in the living room on the floor. I cant find you or Jenna. Where are you?
Delivered 10:28
Read: 10:31
My Love💘is typing...
Hey (Y/N) sorry me and Jenna didn't think you were gonna wake up So soon. We left to go get a couple things from Wal-Mart we will be there soon. Love you see you soon.

Oh okay see you soon. Love you too.
Delivered 10:34
Read 10:34

To: Tyjo💀💙
Hey I got a hold of Josh and he said They left to get a couple things from Wal-Mart thanks for helping.
Tyjo💀💙 is typing...
Its no problem (Y/N). I can go pick you up if you like and we can all just be home.
Okay I'll go with you. Just tell me when your outside. Thanks.
Okay see ya
I put my shoes on and put everything in my purse and waited. I got on instagram and saw a whole bunch of comments and remembered we haven't told the fans that me and Josh are dating.
Wait this girl has been in alot of Josh's and Tyler's photos. Who is she?
Who is she?
I found her. She's (Y/N) (L/N).
(Y/N)?! Are you dating Josh dun?
"I ship it."
"That's cute."
"You guys should go out."
"I ship."
"I ship so hard.
And then there's mean comments of course.
"Ew who is she?"
"Josh deserves better."
"I bet she has no friends."
"I bet she's using Tyler and Josh."
Ugh I have enough problems in my life. I don't need more with so called 'fans'
I guess we're gonna have to tell them soon. Oh I almost forgot I have to text Josh and tell him
Tyler's getting me.
To: My Love💘 (Josh)
Hey, Love Tyler is coming to get me. So when ever you guys are done we'll be at home. We you soon.
Read: 10:52
My Love💘 is typing...
Okay babe see you at home.
Hey, (Y/N) I'm outside.

Okay I'm coming.

I went outside and saw him sitting in the car. I got in the car "Hey." Tyler said and waved.
"Hey!" I repiled
"So I thought of something to do as i was driving here."
He said.
"Yeah? What's that?"
"I was thinking, maybe we should go to the Wal-Mart that Josh and Jenna are at and scare them."
"Sounds fun. Lets go scare Dun and Joseph."
We laughed. He had this all planned out too. He had black sweaters in the back for us to put on so in case they saw us. We couldn't be identified. We put the sweaters on and walked in the store we looked for a red headed boy and a blonde headed chick. We finally found them after like 4 minutes. We went into the aisle next to them and when they were looking at things we would push it towards them. They would always jump back and try and look through the shelf. They went to the clothes section and we decided to go bump into them. We decided that I would go first into Josh. So Josh was walking and I put My hoodie on I was pretending to look down on the ground and walked right into him I fell back and he caught my hand "Are you okay ma'am?" he asked pulling me back to my feet.
"Yeah im fine. Thanks."
"Okay cool have a good day." he said and started walking away.
"Hey wait!"
He turned around and I kissed him. He pulled away. "Sorry. I have a girlfriend."
I smirked "I know."
He had a confused look. "Why'd you kiss me then?"
He backed away
I took of my hoodie. He smiled and hugged me "You jerk." He laughed. "Yeah I am right? I'm just glad you pulled away."
"I told you I wouldn't cheat didnt I?" he said
"Yeah. I believe you."
"Wait. How'd you get here?" he asked looking around.
"Oh I'm with Tyler. We planned this. He's gonna do the same thing to Jenna. Where is she?"
"In the womens section."
"Okay. Lets go watch."
"Okay." he grabbed my hand and we walked over to Jenna and hid. Tyler walked into Jenna and she fell down. Tyler helped her up and kissed her. She pulled away fast showed her ring and hit him. Josh and I were giggling and trying not to laugh really loud. Tyler took off his hoodie. Jenna laughed "You idiot. That's what you get." she said. "Ouch. I guess." Tyler held his face and chuckled. Josh and I came out from hiding and laughed loud. Jenna was confused too. "How did you guys get here?and when?" she asked. "Oh we've been here for a while. It was Tyler's idea. We were the ones pushing things into you when you were by the shelves. "You jerks." Josh said. "Okay Well we are gonna go pay and we'll be done and we can all go home. Don't try anything you two." Jenna said pointing at is and chuckled.
Jenna and Josh left to the registers. Tyler and I decided not to do anything else. So we went out to the car and saw when Jenna and Josh were leaving so we left too. When we got home I overheard Tyler and Jenna talking. I didnt want to be rude But I could hear them cause thier rooms are right next to puts and I just heard... "Really? He said that?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah. I Want to be there I'll ask Josh." Jenna repiled. "Do you know when he will do it?" Tyler asked another question. "No but I feel soon."
I wonder what thier talking about. Hmm. Its not my business so I shouldn't worry.
Josh walked in the room "Hey babes. What are you doing?"
I looked at him "oh nothing. Why whats up hun?"
"I just wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie in the living room with Me, Tyler, and Jenna?"
He grabbed my hand and took me to the living room. We put in The goonies and ate snacks.

Hello Frens!
Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it!
I will update as soon as possible.
I've decided to make this story 16 chapters long...
I'm sorry for any mistakes in the chapter.
Anyways don't forget to follow me on instagram! @ Fairly._joshler
And don't forget to Vote and comment.
Until next time......


             Stay alive Frens

 Love And Forget        [Josh Dun × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now