Chapter 5 Part 2

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      "Desmond!!" I damn near broke glass yelling his name, startling everyone at his table. It was lunch time for grades 9-12 and I wanted nothing ,BUT to confront him. Lately i've been giving people a piece of my mind, and I was at my peak with his lying ass. The rage in my eyes and posture must of been very noticible, because the whole cafeteria grew quiet. He glanced at me over his shoulder with his iPhone in his hand. "Yo calm down, what the fuck you want" he shot out.Those mesmorizing hazel eyes grew cold and dingy. " I want to know if ALL that shit you been talking about was a lie!" I snapped. He looked back at his phone. I heard some of Natalia's friends in the back of me talking shit and snickering. Even some of them had their punk-ass phones out recording my tantrum. I was making a complete fool of myself, but I didnt care. Desmond raised his head back up. "Answer me! " I shouted. Whoo! My ears had steam comming out if it like a train.I had never been this angry in my life. He was kinda smerking too which pissed me off. "Look, dont get your zeebra panties in a bunch, I was just doing your lonely ass a favor 'Ight?" All his friends at the table were laughing."Zeebra draws on her big ass? oh hell nah"  Jessy yelled from the back of the cafeteria. The whole lunch room erupted in laughter, Even my so called "bestfriend" Jenae tried to make it not obvious by putting her head down, but she couldn't hold it in. Those flash-backs started replaying in my mind again and again. I looked at Desmond and he just went about his business like I never existed. Before I knew it I ran outside the cafeteria, outside the school, onto my way home. I heard Jenae calling my name behind me, but I just kept going. I havent ran that long or that fast in my life.

I remember when I was a little girl, when my mom, Natalia, and I came out here from New York City. We moved in with our great- Aunty April. She was in her 70's but she was active, sweet ,and she always loved me for everything I was. She was kind enough to let us stay with her when we had no where to go, this was before my momma got on her feet. When Aunty April died from a brain aneurysmin December 2005, that was the worst christmas ever. My whole world crashed and around that time, I started gaining weight. I ended up gaining about 150 lbs in 8 years. I am an emotional eater, as Aunty April would call it. Anyway, everytime I got mad at my momma or Natalia. I'd go to the backyard, and climb this huge oaktree she had in the back. It would clear my mind and give me solitude. The only one who could talk to me & get me down was Aunty April. The day she died I stayed up there for 18 hours, no lie. In her will she left my mom the house and we've been here ever sinse. So when I ran home, I went straight to the huge oak tree in our backyard. I tried to climb it, but I couldn't. I layed underneath it and cried so damn hard, my head started hurting.All I heard were the neighbor's dogs barking. "Natalie Joanne Brooks" I heard a voice calling my name. I looked up and couldnt believe my watery eyes. "Aunty April?" I asked. "Yes baby, wipe your eyes... I'm here." She helped me up and she was dressed in all white like an angel. Before I could say anything she looked at me, long and hard. "You got to pick yourself up Star, Dont let NOBODY defeat you. This battle isn't yours, Its the lords... you hear?" she smilled at me and vanished. NATALIE JOANNE BROOKS! I heard my mom shout. "wake yo ass up! she had her hands on her hips ,clearly pissed off. I was underneath the oak tree, sort of embarrassed. "pick yourself up!" she yelled. I had realized I saw Aunty April in a dream, that was so real... that I felt one final tear fall out my eye. From that day on I swore to NEVER cry over a man (or a little boy in Desmonds case) , to never feel weak, and to pick myself up when I felt like I had fallen. My Aunty April was heavent sent to me, no coincidence.

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