Chapter 6 part 2

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Friday night , we were booked for hair & nails. I went to turn off the porch ligths,before we headed out. I noticed a black Lexus pulling up by our driveway. I looked out the window, and tried to peek and see who it was. "Who's that out there?" my mom said from the hallway. 'I dont know, some guy comming out a black Lexus." I responded. My mom cut off the hallway light and approached the door so she could look out the peephole. Obviously she didnt recognize him, "Can I help you sir?" she looked out the peoplhole focused and sternly. "Beverly?" he asked, saying my mothers first name. My mom must of had an epiphany then becaue she just froze. She looked at Natalia, then at me, then back at Natalia. "Is that you, Its me Otis?" He said. My mom signaled us to stand back.

She slowly opened the door and stared at this mystery man up and down. She finally broke her silence. "Otis, Wha-what are you doing here" for the first time in my life , I saw my mother shooken up, like she was hiding or ashamed of something. The whole time he looked at me and my sister. "Do they know who I am " he answered in a more serious tone. "Sir, If you're my father, you're not welcomed here..because I heard the story about you.. " Natalia shot out.  "You're right,  I'm not your father. Im Natalie's " He then looked into my eyes. Initially I was thinking that This guy must be crazy. If he had any sense or knowledge about us ,he'd know that me & Natalia were twins...Meaning we had to have the same mother and  father. "Go on Beverly, Tell them the thruth, because Its long over due" He demanded. It was just an akward scene. My mother was usually a strong woman, but she listened to this Otis man, like he knew something she didn't want us to know.

 "Momma, can you tell this crazy man to leave , so we can go get our nails did?" Natalia snapped. My mom instructed all of us to sit on the couch. Natalia, clearly impatient and bitchy stood up with her hands crossed. "Natalia Josiphine ! If you dont sit down." my mom said tight-lipped. "Why should I , obviously you got something to hide!". My sister replied full of frustration, and she had a point so my mother  just sat there with her headed hung low. "Just  tell them, the least we can give these girls is the truth, and with all do respect to you and your home Beverly" he asked genuinely. My mom  still looking down nodded. Otis looked back and forth at me and Natalia. My mom nervously proceeded.

"Me and Otis were sleeping around, He was my favorite cousin Rochelle's fiancee. Being selfish, young ,and loose I fell for somebody else named Tony. I soon found out I was pregnant. That same week Rochelle told me she was pregnant with too, I finally told Rochelle that I was sleeping with her man and I didn't know who my babies father was. I felt bad, Rochelle was in the twiglight zone,  A- AND ---"  My mother started sobbing. I ran my hand across her back, comforting her.  "AND" Natalia barked, clearly enraged by my mothers revolation. She sniffled.,"My family was so ashamed of me I had to leave town. I WAS ashamed of me. She  walked out on Otis, but she forgave me. I never understood why. Still, Rochelle was in a deep depression. When I gave birth she was there, by my side. That same day she tried to kill herself after. Luckily, we were able to save you Natalia. You were born 2 weeks prematurely , but  I named you, and took you in as my own and raised you as daughter's twin after your mother, My cousin died. "  

my mom broke down into tears, I was completely shocked but confused. She then proceeded of what seemed to be the hardest part of the story to tell., her bottom lip shook. "I got a bl-blood ttesstt... anndd, annd....The babyyy was her Fiancee's." my mom cried in high pitch " im- so ss-orry." She shook her head hard back and forth.  All my life I always felt like I didn't belong. She resented me,because I was conceived in lust, regret, and  greed, no wonder I was greedy i thought. I didnt even shed a tear, which suprised me and everyone else.  Natalia, just stood there...clearly shooken up about what she heard. I saw hurt in her blood shot eyes like never before.  I stared at my father, realizing that  I looked just like him. Everytime I take a step foward , I get pushed 10 steps back. I try to love myself, but there is always a roadblock with a mirror on it , showing me that I am a rejected nobody. So much that I wasn't even created in love. Fuck prom, fuck school, fuck family, fuck my life. I felt I would die in this lifetime of a broken heart.

Authors note : Youtube song is posted  for this chapter>>>>>

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