Chapter 6 part 1

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That weekend, It was time to go shopping for the prom. Usually I'd dread something like this, because I knew I wasn't going to fit the dress I wanted. Instead, I was the first one in the car to go. I figured if i didnt find something to wear , I'd  make the dress my damn self., like Carrie did in that movie.. I'll be damned if somebody would spill Pig Juice on my dress though, haha.While waiting in the car I looked down at my phone and saw that I had 10 missed notifications: 6 By Jenae, 1 by Desmond, and 3 spam emails I didnt check. Jenae had texted me,but I really didnt want to see her. Even though its only the right thing to forgive someone, I'm the type of person to scar easily in my heart. Lets call a spade a spade; Jenae was only my friend,because she felt sorry for me.If it wasn't for her though, I wouldn't know about Desmond fluking me. Everyone pittied me, because all these years I pittied myself. Today, and for the rest of my life I would love myself. I checked Desmonds unread message. It read : "Bae, you still mad at me... When u gon' let me hang out with you again? Hmu ;) " 

I know this negro did not send me a message like nothing happened AND with one of them winky faces. I turned my phone on airplaine mode. Speaking of Desmond, I saw him and Portia riding to school together in his granny's cherry corvette. My slow ass didnt even notice the handicap sticker on the car LOL. I just chuckled, he thought he was so cute pushing his grandma's car to school and chaurfeuring the school's biggest Hoe, Portia around. My mom took us to the same mall I went shopping at last week, Downtown. I just smilled and kept my head up. Yeah, going back to that mall brought back memories I wanted to put to rest ,but hey... I mean, why cry over someone who got held back to the 9th grade?  We went into this store called Imagine Us. It had nice dresses in there, but of course none of them were my size 4XL.

    However, my sister was having a ball.She tried on this real low cut sequence dress , leaving nothing to the imagination. I thought "HELLO NATALIA, THE DAMN STORE IS CALLED 'IMAGINE US'". I chuckled to myself and let her have her shine, she got that pink sequence dress just as I thought too. I know one thing, Jessy's ass will have a feild day on prom, when he see's that dress. When it was my time to get mine , my mom wiped that smile off her face. "Lord...lets see what we can find you Natalie." she sighed. As she skimmed and scanned through the racks, I took notes and pictures of all the small dresses that were cute , that I couldn't fit. After an hour my mom got tired and insisted that she'd give me the money so I can find my own dress someother time. Cool with me, because I was going to buy my material, and make my shit by hand and EXCLUSIVE! I was going to be more than ready for prom . I was counting on Desmond to be my date, but after what had just went down, I was more than happy to go by my damn self. I was gon' live it up for Aunty April at Prom, Next saturday! I'TS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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