Last night

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Serena woke up with a start. She was hanging upside down from Evie's couch.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes.
What happened last night? She thought.
There was a suddenly crash. Serena stood up and raced down the hallway into the first bedroom.
Carly was still asleep, pressed on the wall, Evie had been in the bed and now was in a tangle on the floor in her blankets.
Suddenly the closet door opened and Mimmi and Ondina stepped out, their hair pressed to their faces with sweat.

"What happened last night?" Yawned Mimmi.

Evie stretched her arms out.

"I can't remember much." Evie answered.

Serena nodded. Carly slide down the wall and landed on the floor.
Carly opened her eyes and got to her knees.

"What happened last night?" Ondina asked Carly.

"What do you mean?" Carly answered slowly.

"Well, your the only non-mermaid here." Evie shrugged,

"I used to be." Carly pointed out.

"So? What happened? I can't remember. I thought we were all used to the full moon?" Serena thought.

"So did I." Mimmi huffed.

They all agreed.

"What about the boys?" Evie suddenly asked her eyes getting large.

The bedroom door crashed open and Nixie and Lyla fell in. Serena stepped back.

"What are you guys doing here?" Serena asked.

"We came last night to drop off something for Evie. But then we must have fell asleep, some how. All I remember is coming here." Nixie said.

They all walked from the bedroom into Evie's living room. Lyla grabbed the phone.

"What's the number?" Lyla muttered to Evie.

Evie told Lyla the number and typed it down. Evie pushed the speaker button. It rang three times until....

"Hello?" Said a familiar voice.

"ZACH?" Yelled Lyla into the phone's ear.

"Lyla?" Zach asked.

"ZACH? HOW WAS LAST NIGHT?" Lyla screamed harder.

"Lyla, where's Evie. Give the phone to Evie."

Lyla handed the phone to Evie.

"Sorry about that Zach. We just wanted to know how last night went."

"Oh, It was a little strange. I can't remember what happened. Cam does. Carly's there right? She should be able to recall sense she's not a mermaid. Ask her." Zach told them.

They all slowly turned to Carly who grinned.

Mako mermaids: After the series 2Where stories live. Discover now