The meeting

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"Let's go. Come guys." Zach said to the others.

"Cam, Carly and David already left." Ondina pointed out to Serena.

"Ok. Let's go." Serena nodded.

Zach opened the front for the large group to leave. Evie spun the OPEN sign to CLOSED. She locked the door. Zach and Mimmi dove off the end of the dock. Ondina and Evie followed. Nixie and Lyla did the same. Serena watched the water part as they swam. She plugged her nosie for fun and jumped in. Serena transformed and swam after them.


Rikki, Bella, Cleo and Emma sat on the rocks waiting.

"Where are they?" Bella asked.

Cleo shrugged. Suddenly two heads appeared in the Moon pool.
The first one was Lewis. He had blond hair and blue eyes. The second one had brown eyes and brindle hair. They climbed up next to the girls, careful not to get and water on them.

"Why didn't you go through the back?" Emma raised her eye brows.

"It's sealed. I guess those other merpeople have sealed it. I mean, we haven't been here in a long time." Will explained.

"So who are these other merpeople?" Lewis said to Cleo.

"Well.....theres Lyla and Nixie and Ondina and Mimmi." Rikki said.

"Strange names." Lewis chuckled.

"Zach, Serena and Evie. I think that's all." Rikki finished.

"Wait a second. Zach? There's mermen?" Will exclaimed.

Bella nodded. He looked stunned. Lewis ran his fingers through his hair.
Suddenly seven heads bobbled up from the water.

"Hey guys." Cleo said holding up a hand.

"Hey. Who are they?" Evie said eyeing the two boys.

"Lewis and Will." Emma pointed to each.

Will grinned and Lewis raised a hand. They exchanged names.

"Now how did you guys transform?" Lewis asked after.

"Transform?" Mimmi said raising on eye brow.

"Yeah. Transform." Rikki nodded getting impatient.

"We are from a POD." Ondina mentioned.

"A pod?" Will said.
They nodded.

"I'm the only one her who's transformed!" Evie giggled.

"Wait. So are we!" Emma pointed to the others.

"Really? Cool. I might have thought you were from a different pod." Serena smiled, her white flashing teeth glittered.

""Lyla stuttered.

"You three. You transformed here?" Nixie stumbled with words.

They nodded confused.

"Your the girls. The girls who transformed at Mako!" Lyla looked to Nixie.

"Huh?" Cleo asked confused.

"Your famous! I heard it in class! Pearl asked about transformed mermaids and our teacher said the only known transformed mermaids were three girls who lived on the other side of Mako!" Nixie stated.

"Wait....but there is four of us." Emma said.

"That's the weird part." Mimmi concluded.

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you all transform here, at Mako?" Zach looked up at the four girls.

Emma, Cleo and Rikki all turned to Bella.

Mako mermaids: After the series 2Where stories live. Discover now