The last month

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Mimmi took Rikkis hand and they raced down the jungle together.

"Come on. It's just about here." Mimmi pointed to the large cliff.

A hole in the stone melted away. A long torch out passage ran.

"Let's go." Rikki nodded.

The raced up when a gust of wind struck them in the sides, blasting them backwards.

"You almost had me there." Said the taunting voice of Erik.

"Leave our friends alone! What do you even want?" Cried Mimmi.

"Power over the pods." Erik walked across their vision.

"Like they'd agree to that." Rikki rolled her eyes coming into a squatting position.

"Your right. Luckily I have a plan. This full moon will affect all mermaids, permantly. They will do my bidding." Erik laughed and stormed into the passage way.

He touched it with his pointed finger and it sealed.

"What are we going to do now?" Rikki cried.

"Didn't Lewis say what happened to him was from the moon spell?" Mimmi sat up.

"Yeah? But we still can do it without the moon." Rikki helped her up.

"But it might be more powerful."

Cleo waited in the darkness. That's when she heard a lerring voice.

"Cleo.....your friends are trapped on the island and your in here. How great is that?" Eriks voice echoed around the cave.

"No, it's not." Cleo whispered.

"What did you do to Them?" Mimmi pleaded.

"I did nothing to them......yet. Now your smart. It's the last full moon of the year, do you know what that means?" Erik sneered.

Lewis looked up and saw Rikki and Mimmi racing down the beach.

"What happened?" Will called.

"Eriks gone." Rikki gasped.

"What?!" Cam cried placing his hands on his face.

"We need to get to Cleo. Now." Lewis said.

"Don't look at the moon." Will added.

Lewis started to pack up his stuff when he gasped looking at him computer.

"What?" Mimmi asked.

"This can't be happening.....second time fifty years....That's....." Lewis ran his fingers through his hair.

"What?!" Mimmi repeated louder.

"Its happening again, what happened a few years ago to Charlotte. You know Rikki." Lewis looked to her.

"!" Rikki yelled.

"Its happening again and Cleo is in the moon pool with Erik. We need to go, now." Lewis shut his lap top.

"Who's Charlotte, whats going on?" Mimmi asked as Rikki pulled her into the boat.

"We will tell you on the way." Lewis nodded to Mimmi and Cam as Will started up the boat.

Mako mermaids: After the series 2Where stories live. Discover now