The voice

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"That was good. Lets do it again." Mimmi demanded.

Cleo and Rikki sighed. They had be practicing their plan for over three hours.

"I'm hungry." Rikki groaned.

"Me too." Whined Cleo.

"Ok! Ok. Come on. Let's go to the cafe." Mimmi snapped.

The three dove into the water from the moon pool and swam to the pior. That's when they heard voices from above.

"It's Erik!" Mimmi could see him from the right side.

Rikki pressed her pointed finger to her lips. The others nodded. They waited. He was talking to someone.

"Why should I help you?" Said a fimilar voice put Mimmi couldn't see whoever it was.

"You want your friends back right?" Erik cackled.

"Of course but you can't hurt them." Said the other voice.

"No Harm. No Foul." Erik chuckled.

"Fine then. I'll get you what you want." Said the voice and whoever it was strolled away.

Erik dove off the end, Barely missing the three.
They pulled themselves up and dried off.

"What was that about?" Cleo asked.

Mimmi shrugged and Rikki sighed.

They entered the cafe noticing Will David, Carly, Lewis and Cam.
Mimmi smiled and waved to them. Carly pulled up three seats.

"Let's not say anything to them about the....thing." Mimmi whispered to them as they sat down.

"We told them the plan." Lewis nodded to Carly, David and Cam.

"It's brilliant." Cam leaned back in his chair.

"Thanks." Mimmi said not looking at him.

"When do we put it into action?" David raised his eye brows.

"Tomorrow." Rikki told him.

"That soon?" Cam asked sitting up.

"I know it's a long shot but it's the best plan we've got." Cleo said.

"Ok then." Will sighed.

They waited for a few seconds when Cleo looked up.

"What day is it?" She asked.

"I don't know, let me check." Lewis pulled out his phone then nearly dropped it.

"What?" The three girls asked.

"Its....Its....Its...." Lewis sputtered.

Carly peered into his screen and swallowed.

"It's a full moon."

Mako mermaids: After the series 2Where stories live. Discover now