Chapter 4

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"Bye guys! I'll be back in a bit!" I shout and leave the house. I hear a chorus of "ok's" as I walk. I'm on my way to the store. As I'm walking I feel someone near me and I look around cautiously. No one. I start getting a bit worried because I don't have any weapons. I may be fast, but I can't escape what I don't know is there. My eyes widen as I feel someone grab me with rough hands. I scream and thrash around, trying to hit and kick but I can't. I should be able to fight back!
"You'll love this." The mysterious man says and takes a knife out, cutting my clothes down in half, leaving me almost naked. I feel tears stream down my cheeks as I scream for help.

But I'm too late. Before I know it I'm feeling like I'm being ripped apart and I scream out in pain.
"Please stop" I cry out and the guy just puts his hand over my mouth.

I gasp as I jolt awake from my sleep. I dope my face with my hands and take a shaky breath. Yes, that was a memory from my past. After that I closed myself off and began training self defense. And then it all just happened and here I am. I let out my breath and stand up out of bed, looking at the time.
Well I'm not gonna be able to sleep.
I go to my closet and pull an outfit, then put it on and throw up some makeup sloppily. I'm too tired and worked up to care.

People go one about how criminals and killers have no emotion or mercy and are ruthless. Some are. And some just seem like it. The only person who has seen me cry is Alexis. I look thought on the outside, but on the inside I'm broken and angry. Angry at the world, angry at so many things. I put that anger into missions, which gets the job done. I sigh and take out my weapon belt and wrap it around my waist. Just in case. You never know what will happen at almost four on the morning in Gotham. I sneak out of the abandoned ware house we use as a hideout/house and start walking.

I don't know where I'm going but I don't really care. I end up walking to an empty parking lot. I sit down on the ground and look at the sky.
"I could've been a marine biologist. A psychiatrist. I couldn't done so much with my life. " I say and rub my face. I'm usually not like this, unless I'm alone. Which I am.

Yes, sometimes I regret the choices I've made. But why should i apologize? Why should I apologize for the monster I've become? No one apologized for making me one. (Joker quote)

My head snaps up and I look around when I hear a foot step. I quickly stand.
"Who's there?" I ask putting my hand on one of my knifes, ready to pull it out.
"Ahh no need for that.. Karissa" the familiar clown says and I instantly pull out my gun.
"Don't you dare call me that." I hiss and clench my teeth as the green haired man comes into view.
"Why, but that's your name" he says grinning but stops for a moment.
"Have you been crying?" He asks twiddling his knife around.
"Why would you care?" I ask harshly and he grins again.
" I don't, since we are alone," he says and I gulp.
"Fine go ahead and kill me" I say opening my arms.
"I don't care anymore" I say sighing.
"As much as I would love to kill you dollface, I can't." He says and he sits down on the corner by where I had say before.
"Why not?" I ask cautiously.
"Well" he says patting the spot next to him and I sit.
"I would have no where to hide the body" he says smiling. I just keep a blank face.
"Aww smile, it's prettier on you" I say and makes me smile with his hands.
"Ya know, I went through your files at the asylum the other day" he says and my eyes widen.
"What?" I ask confused.
"I broke into Arkham Asylums" he says shrugging.
"Anyways I found out some stuff about you" he says grinning and I gulp.
"You have quite the past, Mrs.Winters" he says making me slap him on instinct.

Suddenly I'm on the ground on my back with my hands behind held down. I look up to see the Joker holding me down, a pink hand shape ghosting over his white skin.
"Oh you don't wanna do that dollface" he growls and then it turns into a smile.
"You shouldn't have called me that then" I bark back and try to escape his grip.
"Oh I'm hurt" he says with pretend hurt.
"Although, you gotta stop finishing my missions" he says and I smile.
"Oh really now?" I ask the bipolar-ish clown.
"Yes, because I sure would hate to see a scratch on that pretty face of yours" he says and I gulp, my cheeks turning red.

I don't like the joker, I've just never been this close to a guy before. Or at least like this. It's very different.

I see his bright blue eyes scan over my face before he speaks again.
"Maybe I can reconsider killing you" he says and I bite the inside of my cheek.
"Maybe" I say, not knowing how to respond.
"Why are you being sorta nice to me?" I ask him cautiously.
"Well, let's just say I've grown quite used to you." He says grinning.
"I really should be getting back to" I say and he gets up.
"Ya." He says blandly.
"Well, thank you for not killing me" I say nodding my head, picking up my gun that I had dropped.
He nods and starts walking.
"See ya soon, dollface" he calls out before he turns behind a building to the right. I sigh and grin, taking the golden watch from my pocket.
"That was easy" I say and start walking, slipping the watch on.

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