Chapter 5

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"Karissa could you go get some food? We are running low" I bear Alexis ask and I sigh, standing up.
"Yeah, give me a list" I say and go to her, her giving me a paper list.
"I'll be back in a bit" I say and yawn, walking out of the house without getting ready and putting makeup on. I'm too tired to care. I haven't slept in three days. I've been busy going on missions and solo missions. I've been backing off of the Jokers missions and stuff.

I'm only wearing a black tank top, a black jacket since it's cold, black shorts, and black shoes. I remember putting a pocket knife in my bra just in case.

I continue walking for a while until I hear a groan from an alley. I stop and look into the alley.
"Hello?" I ask and I hear another groan of pain.
"Who's there? Do you need help?" I ask. Hey, I may be a killer and criminal, but I have reasons for who I kill. I don't kill people randomly or someone who never had a chance, like a homeless person.
"Go away." Someone commands but groans and I immediately notice who it is.
"Joker?" I ask shocked and walk a little further until I see him. Face covered in pain, long purple crocodile jacket laying beside him and side of stomach covered in blood. I look closer to see a bullet wound.
"I said leave!" He commands but instantly winces in pain.
"What happened?!" I ask mealy beside him and inspecting the wound.
"Mission gone wrong." He says groaning and I look around.
"What are you doing?" He asks noticing me looking around.
"Looking for something to take that bullet out of you" I say in a 'duh' tone.
"I don't need help." He stubbornly says and I roll my eyes and use my hand to out pressure on the wound.
"Yes you do so don't argue with me." I say and remember my knife. I reach into my tank top and bra and pull out the pocket knife.

Joker doesn't say comment about it.
I open the knife and carefully push it into the wound, Joker throwing his head back and clenching his teeth together in pain.
"It'll be over soon" I assure him and take the bullet out. I look around me trying to find something to tie his wound up with but I see nothing.

I sigh and take off my jacket, wrapping it around his wound and tying it.
"There" I say finishing it off and I see him give a look of relief.
"Where are your henchmen?" I ask him and he sighs.
"I don't know. I went on the mission alone" he says and I nod.
"Can you move?" I ask him and he thinks before trying to sit up, pain immediately reaching his face again and lays back down.
"I'm guessing. Not" I mumble before sitting by his head and lifting his head and putting it in my lap.
"Ignore the wound and pain, try and focus on something else." I tell him and he takes heavy breathes, his eyes halfway closed.
"Damn Jake" he says and I tilt my head.
"Is that who shot you?" I ask him and he nods.
"He was a cop" he says wincing in pain and I nod.

"May I though your hair?" I ask him, the green catching my attention.
He laughs but winces again and nods.
"Sure" he says and I run my right hand through the neon green. Oh my god it's so soft. I would not expect his hair to be so soft.

I see his eyes eyes drift shut and I continue to run my hand through his hair and stroke his face with my left hand.

Wait what am I doing? The Joker used to want to kill me. He agreed not to kill me.. But what am I doing?!?! Oh that's right, running my hands through the famous "clown prince of crime"s hair while rubbing his face. Why? I don't know why. It just felt like the right thing to do.

"What time is it?" I hear him ask and I look down to see his eyes still shut.
I stop rubbing his face-much to his dismay, and check the stolen golden watch on my left wrist.
"4:21" I answer and continue.
"Karissa Mae Winters. Birthday, February 25th, 1991. Age, 23. Parents for murdered right in front of her when she was 4, was put in an orphanage and jumped from one family to another. Apparently the parents couldn't handle the depression. Got raped at age 15, got put in Arkham Asylum for being a nuisance to everyone around them. Slowly went crazy and broke out. Made a group and started going on missions. Goes by the name, Killer Kare." He says with his eyes closed and then opens them to look at my shocked face.
"I told ya I went through your files." He says smirking and I gulp and take a deep breath. I hate talking about my past.
"Please don't talking about my past" I say quietly and stop running my hand through his hair. I start to pull my hand away when he grabs it again and puts it back in his hair. I laugh a bit before continuing.

"I'm never gonna be able to sleep and go home if you keep this up" I joke and he smiles. But it's not a creepy smile. It's almost a genuine smile.
"You're gonna have to carry me" he says making me snort.
"I can't pick you up!" I exclaim and he grins again.
"Well you're gonna have to figure something out, I know you wouldn't just leave me" he says and I know it's true. He takes my hand out his hair and pulls me down next to him and points at the sky.
"That's the Star system Aquarius" I point out and he laughs.
"You Know you're stars" he says and I shrug.
"I got into them when I was 12" I say and it gets quiet.

"Ya know.." I start off and look to my right at him. He turns to look at me.
"There are a lot of things my files didn't tell about me." I say and look back at the sky.
"Like what?" He asks. I sigh.
"Like how when I was 14 I tried and failed two times at committing suicide. And again when I was 15. And how I started getting bullied at school when I was 13, in 7th grade. There are many things you have yet to understand and know about me." I tell him.
"Then tell me. I have time" he jokes a bit and I smile a bit. This is nice. I haven't just laid/sat down and talked for years.

And that's what we did. We talked about anything and everything that night. He told me when we started dying his hair green and how the first time is was a complete fail and he ended up staining his skin green for a few days. About when he was a child he used to help his mom bake cookies. About everything.

I know this is weird. And trust me I never wouldn't expected helping the joker with a bullet in his side, especially not laying and talking to him in the middle of an alley at like four in the morning.

I lift my left arm up and check the time.
Suddenly he grabs my arm making my heart race at first.
"So that's where my watch went" he says and I give a nervous laugh.
"Yeah..." I trail off and he lets go of my arm.
"It looks better on you anyways" he says and I can feel the pink raise to my cheeks. I see the sun starting to rise and I sit up and yawn.
"It's so late. Early. Whatever" I say and rub my eyes.
"Do you think you'll be able to walk?" I ask him and he sits up carefully.
"I think so" he says and I nod, standing up. I offer him my hand and he stares at it for a few seconds before grabbing it. I pull him up slowly and when he's up I pat his back. I reach down and grab his jacket and slide it onto him.

"Are you gonna be okay getting to your hideout?" I ask him and he nods.
"It's not too far, I should be fine" I say and I nod.
"Well I guess I should get going" I say and he nods. I start walking but stop when he grabs my hand. I gulp. I haven't ever really had anyone hold my hand. I know it's different but still.
"Thank you for..ya know. Helping me" he says and I smile and nod.
"No problem" I say and he lets my hand go. I start walking home. As I walking I hear him yell.
"You look beautiful without makeup, dollface" he yells and I smile to myself and continue walking.
What is happening to me?

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