Chapter 6

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A/N I know that last chapter was kinda sudden but it'll all be explained more and stuff later on! :-)

"Karissa!" Someone quietly exclaims while shaking me, awaking me from my sleep. It's been a week since my moment with the Joker. And it's also been the longest week ever.
"What?" I ask rubbing my eyes.
"We're being attacked" Alexis whispers making me sit up in alarm.
"The men are at every door and window keeping lock down but we don't have much time" she says and I nod and send her away to pack up everything we need. I hurry and stand from the bed and run around my room, gathering my bags and shoving all my clothes into it. I shove all the jewelry and money stashed in my matters into a bag and continue stocking up everything. I look around and grab my weapons belt and wrap it around my waist, looking down at my short black shorts and black spaghetti strap tank top. I slip on my black boots that were laying there and grab the bags.

I run out of my room and run to the den where I find everyone in front of the door, holding it back. I hear yelling and banging on the door outside.
"Guys come on out the back" I say and they nod, sloping a chair in front of the door before running to the back door.

I look out the door to make sure no one is there and nod everyone out. Everyone runs out in front of me and I hear the front door bust open. I see cops run into my view and start shoring as I make sure everyone's out before shutting the door and running to the front of the group as we run.
"What are we gonna do boss?" One of my men ask and I shake my head.
"I don't know guys, we don't have anywhere to go" I say and I feel rain drops hit me.
"Uhm Karissa your...your makeup is.." Alexis says trailing off and I give a confused look.
"But I didn't put any makeup on" I say and she points at my face.

I touch my face and wince. I pull my hand back and see red. Blood.
"Damnit!" I shout.
"Those fuckers got me" I say and groan.
"I guess one through a knife" I say and feel around on my face, skipping around the long cut on my right cheek.
"Well no need to bother it now, we gotta find somewhere to lay low" I say and continue to run.
"Karissa where are we planning on going?" One of my men asks and I shrug and stop running, looking around. We're in the crime part of Gotham.
"I honestly don't know" I say over the thunder and rain.
"Maybe we can go and hide out in that alley" one of my men suggest and I nod. We run to an empty alleyway and I spot some big boxes.
"Okay everyone in the box" I say pushing them all in. I don't care for most people, but my men and Alexis are the only people I actually have and I, not that I would admit it, I love them.
"Karissa there's no room for you though" Alexis says and I shrug.
"Ill make sure nothing happens, you guys get some sleep" I say stretching. They try to argue but I ignore it. Finally they give up.

After a while I hear their snores, surprisingly almost over the loud thunder. I feel my nose tickle before I have a sneezing fit. I cough and wipe my nose.

I go to look through the bag full of my clothes and find the one with jewelry and money, and the one with my mission outfits, but no normal clothes like jackets or jeans or anything.

I shiver and pace around. This is not happening. I run my hand through my long hair and sneeze again.

I hear talking and laughing and my eyes widen, running back further into the alley to where they're sleeping and tripping over a rock. I bite my lip to not groan and get up and wobble over to them. I sit with my back to a wall of a building and hiss, look down at my legs and hands seeing cuts snd scrapes.
"This is just not my day" I say and giggle a bit.

Suddenly I jump, hearing a voice shout into the alley.
"Who's there?!?" They ask. A man. I don't say anything, hoping they'll go away.
I start hearing footsteps as I feel my nose tickle and I hold my nose but it's too late, I sneeze one of the loudest sneezes I've ever sneezed.
Im gonna die. I think as I feel around my waist, remembering I put it in my bag of jewelry. I start to crawl to the boxes they're sleeping in, my ass to whoever is coming, as I try and find a knife. It's not very easy considering the rain it coming down on my face and my hair is soaked and hanging in my face.

"Stand up!" A voice shouts making me freeze. Maybe if I don't move they'll go away.
"I said. Stand." The voice says and I carefully stand. Skipping the small knife behind my back. I look at the ground and walk forward a bit, stopping when shoes come into my view. Suddenly I feel myself up against a wall, a knife at my neck. I knew the person where it doesn't shine and push them to the ground, getting on them and we end up rolling around fighting and cutting each other a few times. I end up on top at the end, due to my speed, and I hold my knife up to the guys neck, his knife in my left hand.
"Joker?" We both ask at the same time.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I say moving the knife from his neck.
"What are you doing out here?" He asks, neither of us moving.
"Our hideout/house got taken over by the cops" I say motioning over to their sleeping bodies stuffed in the boxes.
"Why aren't you there with them?" He asks looking back up at me and I shrug.
"There wasn't room for all of us and I decided to take watch out" I say and he nods.
"Can you get off me now or...?" He asks and I tilt my head to the right.
"Aww but I'm comfortable" I say pouting and wiggle around a bit.
His eyes widen a bit and his jaw drops but no words come out. I lean down close to his face and stare into his blue eyes.
"What?" I ask and lick my lips.
"No words?" I ask and brush my lips against his.
"Do ya want me to stop... Mr.J?" I ask and grind my hips down slowly once.
His blue eyes darken and he growls a bit as I gracefully back walk over to my feet and smile innocently.
"Well, I bet you have plenty to do" I say bowing and starting to walk over to the boxes. I gulp when I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist and another arm lay on my thigh, a warm hand on the inside of my thigh. I feel his breath on the eighth side of my neck.
"You think you can just do all that and leave?" He asks and I smirk, turning to look at him.
"Oh I think I can" I say and turn around.
"You do?" He asks and I nod
"Oh I do. Because right now I need to find somewhere for me and my men, and woman, to stay" I say taking his hands off me while smiling.
"Ya know, I have a few extra rooms in my hide out." He says and I tilt my head.
"Really now?" I ask him and he grins, nodding
"Well I think I'll have to take you up on that offer" I say and pat his right cheek.
"I'll just go wake up my men then" I say smirking and and going over to the boxes. What am I doing to myself?

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