Decision Making

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"I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need. I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree. I just want you for my own. More than you could ever know. Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you!"

When Alisha opened the door to her dorm room, she saw Krystal singing and dancing along to Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You". Alisha closed the door quietly and leaned back against the door watching Krystal. 'She seems so happy. How does she know she loves Antonio,while me on the other hand can't even choose one?' Alisha thought. Alisha watched Krystal sing her heart out. Krystal turned around about to belt the last note, but stopped when she saw Alisha.

Clearly embarassed, she asked "How long have you been standing here?" Alisha laughed so hard she hold onto the doorknob to keep herself from falling to the floor. "Long enough to know you have a beautiful voice! Why don't you sing at this year's Christmas Talent Show?" Krystal shook her head fiercely. She did not want to sing in front of millions of people. Getting caught singing by her best friend was bad enough.

"Is it because you are a year younger than everybody? If that's it, then don't freak out. There are people that graduate college and high school who are younger than you." Alisha said assuringly. Krystal sat on the floor criss-cross applesauce and thought about it. "I don't know. That's still a lot of people. I'll think about it. Anywho, I have to get a gift. What to get... What to get... HELP ME ALISHA!" She yelled, ran to Alisha, and grabbed her arm. Alisha sighed and said, "Of course! That's why I left Timothy with all his hot glory in the shower and came to help my best friend."

"So you were with Timothy today? Why can't you just choose him?!" Krystal strained with frustration. Krystal certainly did not agree with Alisha's decisions. She wanted Alisha to be happy and believed Timothy was perfect for her Indian Beauty. Alisha turned away from Krystal. She did not want to get into another fight with her best friend the day before her anniversary.

Alisha whispered, but loud enough for Krystal to hear." I don't know why, okay?! You can't choose who you fall in love with. For me, I fell in love with three guys. It isn't my fault."

Krystal screamed." YOU AREN'T IN LOVE WITH THREE OF THEM! YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH TIMOTHY! THE OTHER TWO GUYS ARE JUST FATAL ATTRACTIONS! IN OTHER WORDS NO GOOD! (lowers her voice) Why can't you see that? God! You are so clueless.."

Alisha strucken with shock and anger shook Krystal's arm off her and took a step back, "What is your problem?! I love who I love and you are just going to have to deal with it. You may not agree, but you are going to have to understand. I thought we were best friends. I thought I could trust you with my secrets. I didn't expect you to criticize me." She backed up some more.

Krystal not sure what to say replied, "Wait... Alisha.. That isn't what I meant. I just mean that.."

"NO! YOU DON'T HAVE A SAY IN MY LIFE! YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER!" Alisha screamed at Krystal. Alisha turned around and ran out the door, slamming it behind her. She didn't know where she was going. She just had to get away.

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