You're What?

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"If you are the one Then us meeting here is fate. Future with a dog named Ben. Buy a house with a fireplace. This is the first I've seen your face, But there a chance we are soulmates. I know that this might sound crazy. You don't know my name, But we can't We can't tell The future no. The first kiss, the beauty of the world we know So Imma say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu. Baby, what if? We all can say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu. Baby, what if? Picture me on one knee With the perfect diamond ring. We just met, but if you say "yes", We'd have our wedding on the beach. It could happen, raise three kids And grow old so happily. I know this may sound crazy Cuz you don't know my name But we can't We can't tell The future no. The first kiss, the beauty of the world we know So Imma say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu. Baby, what if? We all can say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu. Baby, what if?"

*Mini-Author's Note*

This is in Kimberly's POV. It's her turn to share her story through her eyes and not others.

"You're what?" Timothy asked me, completely stunned.

"I'm pregnant." I said shakily. I have never seen him so shocked in his life. It was downright scary.

"With whose baby?" he asked again. I didn't know if that was a trick question or not.

"Daniel's baby.." I said, my voice almost a whisper. He looked at me with disgrace. I would have never expected this from him, my own brother. He always protected me and cared for me. He was more than a brother to me, he was my best friend, like my second dad. We may have been only two years apart, but he seemed so much wiser.

"But how?" he said with disbelief on his face. I gulped and tried to make a joke about it to ease the tension, "You know the usual. Two people, male and female. Get intimate with one another. No protection. Then Bam! Baby. Ever heard of the birds and the bees?" I added a laugh at the end. He was not looking too happy. It clearly didn't work. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the corner.

"No protection?! Kimberly, how could you be so stupid?! And Daniel?? You know I hate that guy. Why would you do this to me? To you? He is bad news. You can't trust him." he said sternly. I was so tired of him always protecting me. I was not a little girl anymore. I may be his younger sister, but he didn't need to treat me like a child. I'm 17, practically a grown woman.

"I know.. I know.. I forgot. Yes, Daniel. So what you hate him? He slept with your girlfriend. I am sorry. But I love him and he loves me. You may not be able to trust him, but I do. Stop shaking your head and shutting me out. I may be your little sister, but I am not little anymore. Look at me. It is time for me to make my own decisions and you have to understand that." I said to him, picking up courage with every word. He looked at me like he didn't even know who I was. I had never stood up to him before. I had always done what he asked or told me to do. For once, I needed to go down my own path.

"What about Daniel?" he asked curiously.

"What about him?" I asked wondering where he was going with this.

"Does he know? Does he know about the baby?" he asked wondering.

"No." I said sheepishly. He grunted and turned away and started pacing. Whenever he started pacing, I knew he was furious beyond belief. It was his way of therapy. He walked so he didn't hit anyone with his huge fists.

"If it makes you feel any better, I found out today. Actually, while I was on the phone with you. That was why I was sounding funny. You're the first person I told. You should feel special. I was going to tell him after volunteering." I said hopefully.

He stopped in place. He turned around with the saddest face. It was so hard to keep looking at him, but I had to.

"Feel special?! How can I feel special when I know you are throwing your life away for a guy who is only using you?" Right then, I slapped him. For the first time, I hit my brother. He touched his face to where my hand had touched his face. He was as shocked as I was.

"I'll have you know, I am not easy. I don't let just anyone touch me. I thought you would have a little more respect for me since I'm your sister." I yelled at him.

Right then and there I knew my life was about to change forever. I didn't know if I was ready for it or not.

*Mini-Author's Note*

Over there is a picture of Kimberly

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