You Again Part One

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"They say bad things happen for a reason But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding 'Cause she's moved on while I'm still grieving And when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven even... noWhat am I gonna to do when the best part of me was always you, And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okI'm falling to pieces, yeah, I'm falling to pieces, yeah, I'm falling to piecesOne still in love while the other one's leavingI'm falling to pieces. ('Cause when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven)"

*Mini-Author's Note*

Once again it is in Alisha's POV

Enjoyy ^_^

"Aaaah!" I screamed. Waking up in a hot sweat, I searched around the room to see my surroundings. Wooh! I was in my dorm room. It was all just a dream. I looked over to see Krystal not in her room. I'm all alone again. 

"Ugh! This stupid headache!" I got out of bed and stumbled over to the bathroom and got a weird case of Deja Vu. Suddenly, last night flashed before my eyes.

'Me picking up an overdosage of pills and Krystal coming in shouting "Alisha!''

"I need help. I am not going down Depression Lane." I mumbled to myself. I took the two pills I was supposed to take and jumped in the shower. I stood there in the shower for a few minutes to let the water relax my senses. When I stepped out of the shower and walked back into the room, Krystal was pacing the room. 

"Hey Krys! What's the matter?" I asked curious to what made her pace around, clearly deep in thought.

She looked up at me and forced a smile, "You are what's the matter. I'm worried about you. You were in the hospital. Now, you are trying to commit suicide. What's going on Ali? Am I going to lose my best friend?" Her eyes were watering with compassion in her words.

"You aren't going to lose me. I don't know what is going on. I am just really depressed right now. I am sure it will pass." I said not even believing in my own words. Krystal looked at me, I mean really looked at me like she was looking my body for marks or something.

"If you are looking for injections or cuts, don't worry I haven't tried that yet. Hehe Im just kidding. I'm fine honestly." I said hoping she would take it as a joke, but her eyes released the tears she was trying so hard to keep back. 

"Alisha, I've been thinking. What if you go to therapy after classes? Like a one hour thing? I found one for you this morning. There is one today. You can go to it. Please, if not for your health, then at least do it for me. I am really worried about you." I looked at the paper she handed out to me. I can't believe she thought I was ill enough to go to therapy. Then again, I did try to kill myself. Should I go?


I couldn't believe I had said yes to her. I regret it now. I wished I could drive back to my dorm room and hide under the covers. The problem was that she was going to call the people at the therapy session to see if I went. I hated lying to Krystal so I had to go. One stop beforehand wouldn't hurt. I was really thirsty. I was in the mood for a Coke. I saw a Walgreens on my right so I drove over to it. I got out of my car and walked inside. I went to the back of the store where they usually kept the drinks and grabbed the Coke. With the coke under my arm, I walked to the cash register and pulled out my phone to check my messages. As I was looking at my phone, I bumped into the person in front of me in line.  

"Ooops! I'm sorry. I am always bumping into people. I need to pay more attention."

"It's okay." the person said turning around.

I looked up to acknowledge the person and I couldn't believe it. It was those same gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. The eyes from the hospital. He was here in front of me. What a coinicidence! 

"It's You!" we said at the same time. We laughed together both recognizing each other. I couldn't believe I bumped into the guy again. 

"So we meet again?" he said jokingly. I blushed and giggled.

"Yes we do. Sorry about that again and sorry about the bump in the hospital." I said rumbling on and on. He smiled at my nervousness. It was so strange. I was usually able to talk to people especially hot boys. I had three boyfriends. What is wrong with me? Maybe this therapy will help.

"It's okay. I have had my clumsy moments before." he smiled reassuringly. 

"Next!" said the cashier lady. He turned around and saw he was the next person.

"Well, that's me. See you around some time. Maybe we won't meet on accident next time." he smiled and walked off to the cashier.

"Yeah... maybe" I mumbled. I watched him from the line. He was clearly strong and seemed nice. He was really cute. More than cute. Hot. 

"NEXT!" yelled the lady waking me from my thoughts.

"Hey Lady! Either go or I will!" said the old man behind me rudely. I wondered how long I was standing there. 

I went over to the cash register and payed for my coke. I got into my car and drove off to therapy. I looked at the clock and saw I was already five minutes late. Maybe therapy won't be so bad. 


*Mini-Author's Note*

The picture on the right is the mystery guy that Alisha keeps seeing. I wonder if he will appear again. I wonder what his name is. Anyways this is a two part chapter. 

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