Set Fire To The Rain

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"But there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true And the games you play, you would always win, always win. But I set fire to the rain. Watched it pour as I touched your face. Let it burn while I cry 'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name."

Alisha cheerfully skipped to her dorm room. She had just come from a morning skate at the nearby Ice Arena. She felt like nothing could go wrong. She was having a really good day and best of all, she was having a fantastic hair day. She went up the stairs and unlocked her dorm room. Krystal was laying on the bed. It looked like she fell asleep after getting dressed for the day. Alisha tiptoed to the closet not wanting to wake her up and took off her shoes and socks. She slipped on her panda bear slippers and went to the desk to check her email.

"Hello Alisha! No new mail for you today!" her email page read. She logged out of her email and closed the laptop. She walked over to her bed and layed down. Krystal turned over and slowly opened her eyes. She saw Alisha sitting on her bed and jumped up.

"Alisha?! You're here!" she exclaimed in shock. Krystal remembered what Antonio had told her earlier and must've fallen asleep thinking about what to do. Alisha was her best friend and knew what she had to do even if it meant hurting her friend.

"Haha yeah, I'm here. Why are you so jumpy? Are you feeling okay?" Alisha asked jokingly. Krystal got up and sat across Alisha on Alisha's bed. She cleared her throat and knew what she had to do.

"Alisha I have something to tell you. You aren't going to like it, but I thought I should let you know." Krystal said. Alisha looked at Krystal worried. 'What is she going to tell me?'

"Oh my Gawd! You aren't dying right?! I can't afford to lose you!" Alisha said worried. Krystal laughed sadly and replied, "No, I am not dying, but I feel like dying. The thing is that Tony came over earlier." Krystal took a breath. Alisha gave her a look. 'So what Tony came by?' Alisha thought to herself.

"He told me that he saw Daniel in bed together with another girl this morning...:" Krystal said all that in a quick breath. She just wanted to spit it out.

"No,,, no.. that can't be. He loves me!" Alisha yelled in denial. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. 'Krystal must have misunderstood what Antonio said to her. There is no way he would do that to me.'

"Yes... yes.. he would Alisha. Alisha, I am so sorry." Krystal said all teary eyed. She hated seeing her best friend like this. She knew she wouldn't believe her, but she had to keep going.

"No! YOU ARE WRONG!" Alisha yelled and got up from the bed and walked to the window.

"No I am right. Tony said he was in bed with Kimberly, Timothy's younger sister." she said choking on the last words. She knew by saying Timothy that it would tug on Alisha's heartstrings. She had to let Alisha know.

"Yeah right! Timmy's sister is still in HIGH SCHOOL! HE WOULDN'T CHEAT ON ME WITH A SENIOR! You are just saying that because you want me to date Timothy. Save your lies for someone who cares!" yelled Alisha as she ran out the door. She ran to the only place she knew she could feel free. The Ice Arena.


"Daniel, are you there?" Alisha asked to the door. After skating for a couple of hours, she went to Daniel's room to prove to Krystal she was wrong. Daniel opened the door and his brown eyes went wide at the sight of Alisha at the door. He quickly recovered and smiled. He didn't smile soon enough because Alisha caught the change in facial expressions. He opened the door wide enough for her to come in.

"Hey.... you... What are you doing here?" he asked nervously. Alisha laughed and said, "I came to visit my boyfriend silly." She took her jacket off and put it across a chair and sat down in it. Daniel sat on his bed criss-cross applesauce style.

"Oh okay. So what's up?" he asked trying to sound calm. Alisha looked at him weird. 'What is his deal today?'

"I heard the craziest story from Krystal today." she laughed. He looked at her questioningly, "Oh really? Care to share?"

"Sure. She said you were with another girl last night, Timothy's younger sister to be exact." she said not believing it.

"Oh! Really?!" Daniel replied, with his voice shaking slightly.

"Yeah and I said that would never happen because we love each other. Right Daniel?" said Alisha assuring herself. Daniel stayed quiet. 'Oh no. It can't be true.' "RIGHT Daniel?!" she asked again in case he didn't hear. He still didn't answer. Tears raced down her cheeks. They wouldn't stop coming. They just overflowed.

"I am truly sorry Alisha." he said sadly. She shook her head and wiped the tears from my eyes with the back of her hand. 'Krystal was right. I can't believe it.' she thoiught.

"How can you be sorry?!" Alisha got up and threw the necklace he gave her for their anniversary last month at him.

"Let me just explain... pleasee" he begged to her, picking up the necklace.

"Fine explain, but don't expect me to listen." She glared at him ready to leave at any moment.

He let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding and began., "Timothy and I were best friends since practically diapers, so I grew up with his family. His sister was like my sister. I teased her and she teased me. We were like the three amigos. You couldn't separate us. Then one day, BAM! I started feeling attracted to her, but she was my best friend's sister and I couldn't do that to him. But Timothy and I got into a fight last year and broke our friendship, and I didn't care anymore. I snuck around with Kimberly. It turned out Kimberly liked me too. We went behind Timothy's back and dated a little. College came so I had to end things. I thought she and I moved on. I moved on to you. Then, yesterday she showed up unexpected. All the feelings I had for her came back. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think I .."

"NO DON'T SAY IT! I understand completely. Enjoy your little "romance" with Kimberly. We are through. Think about that next time when you want to sleep around." Alisha turned around and stomped out the door.

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