The One For Me

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"You the one that I dream about all day. You the one that I think about always. You Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave! My love is your love, your love is my love. You the one that I dream about all day. You the one that I think about always. You Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave! My love is your love, your love is mine"

*Mini Author's Note*

I thought I would let you know this chapter is about Krystal and Antonio's Anniversary.

VVKayy. I'm done. Keep readingVV

"There. It's all finished." Krystal exclaimed. Alisha was off with one of her boyfriends. "Who knows? By the end of the night, she might even have a boyfriend number four." Krystal said annoyed. Krystal looked at the clock and it read 

12:00 PM

"Oh no! I have a hour to get ready! I spent all morning worrying about the best way to wrap the gift and helping Alisha get ready for her date with whats-his-face. I forgot to get myself ready and it's my anniversary!" shouted Krystal in terror. She didn't know if she could get dressed in time. She rambled through her closet and look for her outfit that works for every occasion: skinnies and a tank with boots. She grabbed Antonio's jacket she borrowd and layed it out on the bed. She snatched the perfume Antonio loved on her, eye accessories, and jewelry. She threw that on the bed too. She scrambled over to the shower and let the warm water beat against her skin. She loved the way water felt. It made her feel at one with the world, finally at peace. She knew she couldn't stay in the shower for long so she got out and headed back to the bathroom to get ready. She pulled on her skinny jeans, tank top, and her black boots. She walked over to the mirror to see if she should straighten her hair or wear it wet and curly. She gelled her hair so the curls wouldn't frizz up and did her make up. As soon as she finished with everything, she heard a knock on the door. 

"Just on timee" she whispered to herself. She opened the door and saw Antonio looking fine as ever. She knew by his cacky pants and white shirt it wasn't somewhere fancy. 'That's good because I don't want him to pay a lot for me.' thought Krystal reasurringly. She liked the way his shirt clung to his muscly chest and the way his pants hugged his calfs just right.

"Ah hem.. Up here Ms. Kathryn" smirked Antonio. Krystal leaned against the doorway blushing. She could just stare into his eyes all day. She kissed his cheek and went to get the jacket and his gift.

"That's all I get on our anniversary? I'm hurt." he pouted. She giggled at his sillyness. She slaunted back over to him and said, "Aww poor baby. Here." She kissed him on his lips. She noticed it was very smooth. He must've shaved his face today. 

"Okay lover boy, where are we going? I am really excited." said Krystal all hyper. He laughed and said "For me to know and for you to find out." Krystal frowned, but knew he really wanted to suprise her. 


"Wow! It's beautiful! Where did you find this place?" shrieked Krystal, hugging Antonio. Antonio was grinning ear to ear. He was happy to know that she liked the anniversary place. It was a secluded area on a beach. The sky blue waves crashed down with the sunset in the background. There was small table for two with a scarlet tablecloth over it with food set up. It was Krystal's favorites:Empandas, Rice and Beans With Steak

At this moment, she knew she loved him with all her heart. She just wished Alisha could find this happiness that she has with Antonio. Antonio lifted up Krystal from behind and carried her over to the table, placing her in the chair. She was so excited and just all around happy that he would do this for her. She pulled his collar down to her and kissed him with all her heart that she thought he could hear her heart beating so hard. When she let him go, they were both breathing a little hard.  He stumbled over to his seat, running his fingers across his lips. They talked a little and ate their food. After the meal, they took a long walk along the beach. 

"Thank you for this. This was amazing. I don't know how you did this, but I was fantastic. I love you Antonio." she said ecstatic. 

Antonio smiled back at her. He replied, "I'd do anything for you babe. Happy Aniversary!" He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Wait.. Wait.. I have a gift for you." said Krystal, stopping the kiss from going any further. She ran back to the table and grabbed the gift from under the table. She ran back to him and handed him his gift.

"Since you gifted me with this lovely dinner, it's only right you receive a gift for all your hardwork setting this up." She glanced up at him and could've sworn she almost saw a tear trying to leave his eyes. Then, it was gone. 'Maybe it was just my crazy imagination.'  He opened the box slowly and saw the sneakers.

"Woah! Babe! These just came out yesterday! I heard these were sold out. How in the world did you get them?" He said shocked. Krystal hugged him and said, "I have my sources. You're present isn't finished. Look in the left shoe." He stuck is hand in the left shoe and felt the box. He pulled out the black box and opened it.

"I love you Antonio? Babe this is amazing. Thank you! I love you too." He picked her up and spun her around. He cupped her face with his hand and leaned in. He pressed his lips against hers and they stood there kissing, wanting each other, loving each other.

*Second Mini-Authors Note*

I dedicated the story to my friend DyminRichardson because she came up with the gift Krystal gave to Antonio. Thanks girl! And thanks for supporting me in this story.

P.S. The picture on the side in order is Antonio, The Date Spot, Krystal, & Krystal's Gift to Antonio.


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