Date With Juan

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"Cause baby we aint got nothing without love. Darling you got enough for the both of us So come on baby, make love to me. When my days look low, pull me in close and don't let me go. Make love to me. So that when the worlds at war, that our love heal us all. Right now baby make love to ooh ooh make love to me."

"Krystal pick up please. I am so sorry for the millionth time. I should've believed you. Please please please call me back. I feel really bad for calling you those awful names." said Alisha into her phone. She felt awful for not listening to Krystal. Krystal was usually right when she told her things like this. She didn't know why she didn't believe her now. 'I guess I didn't want to believe it. Why was I so upset anyways? Wasn't I doing the same thing to Juan with two other guys? Why did I get to yell at him when I was sleeping behind his back?' she ridiculed herself.

"Ugh! I am such a hypocrite! I had no right yelling at him like that when I am doing the same thing. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid self!" she yelled at herself, hitting herself in the head. She kicked a nearby tree. Suddenly, she felt a strike of pain shoot up her leg. She hopped on it saying, "Ouch! Ouch! You stupid tree!" She hopped over to a bench and sat down. She took off her shoe and rubbed her foot. She tried to bend her toes on her right foot and felt a lot of pain. She realized it must be hurt pretty badly. She looked around and didn't see anyone nearby her. She grabbed her cellphone and called Krystal.

"Ugh! Still no answer! What is she doing so? Oh yeah, she is still mad at me." she said to herself.

"Okay... I'll call Timothy. Oh wait! He is in class right now. Who takes classes on a Saturday?! Okay.. I'll call Juan. Wait... We had that fight at the mall the other day. Oh well, I guess it is time to make up now." She dialed in Juan's number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" said Juan on the second ring.

"Yay! You answered! Juan, I know we aren't really talking right now, but I am in some serious pain. I stubbed my foot against a tree and it really hurts. Can you come get me? I'm at the park where we met." she said all in one breath. She wanted him to hurry up and get here so there was no time for stalling.

"My god Alisha! Why didn't you call me sooner?! I'm on my way now!" he said worried and hung up the phone.

"How could I have called him sooner? I didn't know I was going to hurt my foot. He is such a weirdo sometimes, but he is my weirdo." she said smiling to herself. As she sat there, she thought back to how they met in the first place.


I was walking along the beautiful sunset at the beach. It was the beginning of summer and I had decided to go to school for the summer program so I would be used to college by the fall term. My dorm room was okay. The college advisor had told me that it was just temporary. My actual room for fall would be chosen then: Fall. I packed up my picnic equipment. I had taken a walk on the beach earlier and had a nice picnic for one. It would've been nice to share it with someone, but I didn't have a special someone. I haven't always been the prettiest girl. During my senior year, I got contacts, got invisalign for my teeth, stopped straightening my hair stick straight and just wore it natural - Curly. Everyone complimented me on my transformation and I was able to make friends. I realized that wasn't the life I wanted. Ever since then, I had been riding solo. I would have a couple friends here and there, but they wouldn't stick around. I just wanted to feel loved.

I walked back to my car. It was a blue porsche and I got it for my graduation present. I loved it ever since I layed my eyes on it. I got in my car and started the ignition. I rolled the windows down and let the wind hit my Indian skin. I loved feeling the wind dance across my face. Maybe that's why I liked Ice Skating so much. The cold air always woke me up and it made me feel free. It was like being one with the birds.

All of a sudden, my car stopped working. I didn't know what to do. I had never owned a car before so this was new to me. I knew cars broke down, but I didn't think it would happen to me. I looked around to see what I was by. The sun was going down and the moon was starting to rise. I was by a park. The trees were tall and shadowed over my car. There was a bench in the middle with a few lights around it. I looked around and saw something far off. It looked like a boy. I think he was running. I got out of the car and waved my hands in the air.

"Hey! You! Can you help me please?" I yelled with a voice I didn't know I had. The boy turned around and jogged over to me.

"What can I do for you pretty lady?" he asked genuinely. I could tell he wasn't flirting so I didn't have to be scared of him. He looked like he was around my age or a little older. He had sun-kissed skin with short straight black hair. He had this mysterious but sweet aura about him.

"I actually have no clue. I was driving back from the beach and my car just stopped. I didn't want to be stranded here. I saw you so I called you." I said nervously. I hoped he knew how to fix cars or else I was screwed.

"No problem. My dad is a engineer. He taught me everything I know. Let's look at your engine." He walked over to her lid and opened. He bent over and twirked stuff around and in ten minutes he said, "Try now?" And like magic my car worked. I was so happy I gave him a hug. And boy did he have muscles. I realized I hadn't let him go and release him quickly.

"Hehe... Sorry about that. I was just really happy my car was fixed and I guess I just hugged you. Sorry for invading your personal space." I said sheepishly.

"No problem. Anything to help a beautiful girl like you. I don't mind. Hugs are awesome." he said nicely. I waved to him and got into my car. I turned the car back on and put my seatbelt on. Before I drove off, he stopped me.

"Hey, I never got your name." he said. I gulped and said "My name is Alisha."

"Alisha, huh? That is a nice name. I am Juan."

"Hello. Juan."

"Will I ever see you again?" he asked hopefully.

"I don't know. Only time will tell." and with that I drove off into the horizon.

*Back to Present*

"Alisha! Alisha! Earth to Alisha!" said Juan worried, waving his hand in her face. She was in her memories.

"What? Oh sorry. I was just thinking about the day we met and how you fixed my car. You have the magic touch." she said smiling from ear to ear. Juan sat down next to her and smiled. He grabbed her foot lightly and inspected it.

"This doesn't look so good. Let's get to the school clinic." he said. Juan picked up Alisha into his strong arms and carried her into his car.

"What about my car?" she asked wondering. He thought about it for a second.

"I'll get my friend to come back with me. He'll drive my car back and I'll drive yours back." he said thoughtfully. He placed her carefully in the backseat of his car so she could stretch our her legs and be comfortable. He got in the front seat and put his seatbelt on and turned on the ignition. As they drove away, Alisha thought 'Maybe he is the one for me?'

*Author's Note*

The picture on the right is Juan and Alisha if you didn't know already.

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