CHAPTER 7: Let the games begin!

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Alex=Alexander, Lexi=Alexandra


Alex's POV

I don't want to wait to be Ella's mate but I respect her decision to wait. "Please Alex I want to wait until my 19Th birthday until we officially mate." She had told me after we arrived at my house. "Alex what the hell is Ella doing in our house and sitting on your lap!?" Lexi had walked in on our conversation and it took about 45 minutes to explain everything that had happened. I thought Lexi was going to flip or rip Ella's throat out. She had surprised me because she went up to Ella and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Oh this is going to be great! I knew that you and my brother had some kind of connection Ella! Oh my, you have to let me help you guys with everything. I want you as my sister-in-law and we are going to be the best of friends!" Lexi had said after she let go of Ella to let her breathe. "I'm excited to Lexi, but I told Alex that we should wait until my 19Th birthday to mate completely." "I agree with you Ella, Alex it's dangerous as well for both of you because of the exchanging of blood. Ella you have to be careful because he can lose control if he smells your blood and things will go bad." Lexi told Ella. "Lexi stop okay, I know myself and I won't lose control I love her too much." I reassured both Lexi and Ella.I was in my bed after Ella had gone home.

I was happy and I was anticipating the moment for the mating, but I couldn't help but feel a little worried about mine and Ella's safety if I couldn't control my thirst.

The next day everyone woke up with a smile on their face for the up coming events that would happen with Alex and Lexi.

Well everyone besides Shadow. Ella woke up and her mother had a wonderful idea and she told her that Alex should be apart of the idea. So Ella went to Alex's house.

Ella's POV

My mother is the best. This will show every pack member that Alex is worthy to be my mate. I just hope that Drake doesn't try to ruin this for me. I had arrived at Lexi and Alex house and just walked in. No one locks their doors in the territory because there is no danger here. I walked up to Alex's room and I saw that he was still in bed. I blushed, he was only wearing boxers and nothing else. I walked up to the bed and sat down."WAKE UP!" I yelled and Alex stumbled off the bed and hit his head on the drawer. "WHAT THE...!?" He said. I felt a little bad because he did get hurt. Lexi came running in and looked all around the room. "What's wrong whats going on here?" She said.

I started to chuckle because Lexi's hair could have easily been mistaken for Madusa's head of snakes. "Nothing I just came to invite you two to a family tradition of a day in the field." I replied. "And did you have to wake me up like that sweet heart?" Alex said. I smiled and said my sorry. "Lexi," I said walking up to her and putting my arm around her shoulder."you will go with me right? All the females will be their too and I want you to be my companion. Pretty please?" I asked Lexi. "Okay, but you have to tell me what we are doing because I have to know what to wear." "Okay fine I'll be in your room in a bit." I replied and she left. "Alex make sure to wear something that you won't be afraid to get dirty in or water to get spilled on you." I told Alex then gave him a kiss on the check and left to Lexi's room.

Lexi's POV

"That is the best idea EVER!" I exclaimed after Ella had explained the idea her mother had. "You are not going like that are you?" I asked her eyeing her outfit. "Well yeah because the girls will just watch the guys soooo......" She replied. "Oh no you are not. I have the perfect outfit."

After I am done with her, Alex will love her even more and she will be the envy of all the girls, except me of coarse."There." I said to Ella after I had finished getting her ready. She had on a beautiful purple dress that was light purple on the upper part and darker purple on the bottom portion which reached just above the knee and with simple makeup. I even curled her hair. I had on a turquoise colored dress and my hair was straight. "Okay you got me in this dress, but I want to wear the shoes I want." Ella said to me and I agreed.

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