Back at the band meeting, there was chaos.
"I didn't do anything! I promise!" Tara cried.
Claudia had come into the hall, yelling about an infringement if the contract. Turns out that Tara had broke the rules.
To say the least, Avi was shocked. Tara... the sweet, innocent, mother of Pentaholics... had broken contract?
"Claudia... calm down please. What did Tara do?" Kirstie asked, confused.
"I d-didn't do it! I-I promise! It w-wasn't me!" Tara wailed.
Everyone looked to Claudia.
She smirked.
"Okay. So, in our most recent contracts, she seems to be in the clear. HOWEVER," Claudia drew the pause out, relishing the attention. She produced a sheath of documents from her oversized purse. Flipping through them, she withdrew a single paper.
"A few points to note... 'disrespect to fans and band members', 'threatening band members', and 'personal relationships with fans'. Have you guys even LOOKED at her old Twitter account? It's not deactivated! Its more popular now than ever! In it... she's so rude to all of you! She's being rude to fans, and she even appears to be DATING one! It's preposterous! I should be- "
Avi cut Claudia off.
"Actually... Tara's fine. Hassan's just her friend. Dont think that I've ever heard that one, though! She does the ranting any fangirl would do... but she's extremely tame. She's not rude to anyone. If anything... I think you broke your contract, Claudia. This can be taken as a threat towards a band member. Therefore, your contract is now void."
Everyone gasped at the bass.
"What? I'm not taking this bullshit!" Avi yelled, before stomping away.
Tara was still inconsolable, and Claudia was now a sniffling mess.
Kirstin tried to calm them down, before giving up, and escorting Claudia off of the premises.
When Kevin and Michelle got to Esther's house, they found Kirstie and Avi waiting for them- but there was no Esther in sight.
Michelle saw a piano, and went over to it, attracted to it it like a moth to a flame.
As she played on it, the others went into a separate room.
"She's like a kid- not a care in the world. I don't know what to do about it." Kirst said, looking at the naivety displayed on Michelle's features.
"I mean... it's kinda nice to see her happy... Mitch was always miserable. I'm actually wondering if the trauma had nothing to do with it- if Mitch was so troubled, that his brain took the option to shut down. It would make sense..." Avi said, gazing lovingly at the tenor whom he had loved so dearly.
"Guys... we need to get Mitch back." Kevin said, shooting them both a tense stare.
They looked at the desperation on his face, and realized that he was right.

The New Manager (Pentatonix)
RandomMitch left Pentatonix a few years ago. He was replaced, but it wasnt the same. He cut off contact with his friends and fans long ago, on advice from his therapist. Mitch is trying to heal, and the group is struggling to adapt. When Esther realizes t...