Song: Baby I'm Yours by Artic Monkeys (highkey want this song to play on my wedding, lowkey don't think I'll get married lol)
3 Years Later:
Melanie clenched harder to her coat as the cold rain continued pouring on her now wrenched clothes. Honks were heard as she quickly ran to the sidewalk, cursing Nicole because she decided to skip the morning ritual and spend some alone time with Taylor. Of course, she didn't expect anything less from them considering how "active" Melanie was with Emily.
If only she had bought a nice car...
Thinking about Emily brought Melanie some tingles that drew a warm smile on the girl's face. After becoming official and Emily moving in with her, everything was truly a bliss. Too good to be true, to believe... Waking up to her beautiful face every morning and falling asleep with her embrace was a dream come true. Literally.
She was amazed at the present and -hopefully- future faith decided to bring. Thinking about her first encounter, first impressions... it was unbelievable. She was truly a lucky one in love, ironic thinking her past. Emily worthed Melaine more than she could ever think of. Sometimes it was the unsaid things. Not out of consciousness but out of inability to form words. Her love for Emily had gone to a point where she felt so many magical things, the words simply lack to tell.
Melanie didn't think about the depth of her love could increase before. She didn't believe that she could fall any harder. Well, she was wrong. Definetly wrong there. Mel began to love and see Emily in another extend. She began to saw her flaws as more reasons to fall. She honestly saw her flaws as beauty and perfection. Melanie didn't forget to remind her girlfriend that she was indeed beautiful so frequently.
3 days ago Emily had caught a virus and couldn't leave the bed ever since. She was pale and would cough now and then. She looked tired and would sleep all day.
Melanie was heartbroken to see her girlfriend so weak. She stayed all day at home and took care of her, in spite of Emily's objections. One time she even tried to take her to the hospital but Emily insisted that she would get well soon and just needed a rest.
Today she practically forced Melanie to go to work and return to her daily life activities and kicked her out of the apartment because Melanie was basicly whipped. Melanie would call every hour to see how she was doing neverthless.
All in all she was just trying to find an excuse to go home and be with her girlfriend when she was ill.
To her unfortunate Emily didn't allow that.
It was nearly 2 pm when Melanie was walking to the Duke's after her lunch break. She was thinking about surprising her girlfriend with some Chinese foo and movies to watch. She had bought the movie on her lunch break and decided to pick up the meal later on for it to stay hot.
Picking the movie was easy since Dani decided to tag alone at her lunch break. Dani on the other hand was a grown up woman now. She was in college and the cute school lady attire was long gone. She had changed for the better and was now living with her friends on rent.
After buying the movie Dani said she had to go because she had a class at 3 pm. Melanie nodded understandingly and asked her if she was busy the next Sunday. She had missed the girl and due to college and Melanie's job hours they could barely see each other anymore.
As she was walking down the streets she absurdly stopped due to some weird sensation. In front of her stiod the fancy shop that caused Melanie to stop. Taking a few steps closer to the glass showcase she looked at the shinning rings with her heartbeating fast. They all looked so elegant, gracefull and expensive.

Mornings at Duke's (GirlxGirl)
Random•2• She was now standing up, her face in visiable horror. She slowly touched her lips and frowned a little. I got up but Em took a few steps back like I was a fatal disease. I don't want to lie, it hurt, so much. But then I took a few steps more as...