The Birthday Boy!

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Basically this is just a really weird story which involves bad guys and fairies and super powers and strange purple liquid and a whole bunch of other stuff. Enjoy!

Drew rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he woke from a deep sleep. He surveyed the room as the light from the sun squeezed through the gaps in the blinds, illuminating it in dancing shadows.

He could hear excited voices in the room next door. Shane must've already gotten up and was now being fussed over because today was his birthday. Drew knew the same would happen to him when he went through as he shared birthdays with his best friend.

Drew rolled out of bed and stretched his stiff muscles before putting on his amazing Darth Vader dressing grown and walking through to next door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" everybody cheered in unison before presents started literally being flung at him.

"You're getting old!" Said Luke, carrying in a big box wrapped in red wrapping paper.

"Thanks guys" Drew said as he sat down on the sofa and joined Shane in unwrapping their presents together.
"Happy Birthday" smiled Shane sleepily.

"Same to you" laughed Drew. It never got old the hilarity that out of all the day's of the year they happened to be born on the exact same day.

After they opened their presents and had breakfast everybody went out to take Shane and Drew on a birthday treat.

It was late by the time they got back and everyone stumbled in with Kier at the end carrying 2 big chocolate cakes.

"I don't think all the candles will fit" he joked.

Laurence cleared the table and got out the matches and candles. He and Kier began putting the candles on the cake but only placed a few on so it wouldn't turn into a huge firey mess.

"I'll light them" said Kier as he picked up the matches.

Once the candles were lit everyone began singing Happy Birthday.


Everyone cheered as Drew and Shane sat beaming as their separate cakes lay in front of them.

"HIP HIP!" Laurence cheered.

"HOORAY!" cried everyone else.





"Make a wish on the count of 3!" said Kier.

"A wish?" said Drew. "Isn't that a bit babyish?"

"Yeah" agreed Shane.

"Oh just get on with it before the cake melts" Luke nudged Shane.

***everything sloooowws down***


Drew thought about making a wish. Should he try? He might as well. These silly things do nothing anyway.


Hhhmmm. Drew thought about what it could be. Aha! Spiderman!


I wish I could meet Spiderman...

***Speeds back to normal time***

Drew and Shane blew out their candles before everyone else sat down and soon began gobbling down the delicious cakes.

"Today's been a good birthday" munched Shane.

"It has" agreed Drew.

Little did he know that a tiny winged figure had been sitting watching them in the corner all along. She giggled before flying out the slightly opened window and into the night, sprinkling fairy dust along her way.

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