Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

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That night Drew went to bed early because he was tired. Very soon he was in a deep cloudy sleep dreaming wooly dreams.


Drew woke with a start. What was that? He wondered. It sounded like it came from the roof.

Still in a sleepy haze Drew just assumed he had imagined it and very soon was back off to sleep.


Drew jolted awake again and this time knew he heard something for definite.

He managed to get up and walk out the room despite being disorientated and looked down the hall.


He must be tripping! What on earth was in that cake?!

Drew turned round to head back to his warm cosy bed.


It sounded like something metallic had been dislodged on the roof. Was someone trying to break in?

Drew jumped when he heard a ferocious yawn coming from behind as Kier stumbled out his room stretching his arms.

"What was that?" he grumbled sleepily.

"I don't know" Drew replied.

Kier continued stumbling towards the kitchen wrapped in a fluffy blanket and picked up a torch.

"Someone's up there" said Kier holding the torch the wrong way.

"Probably just a bird" Drew told him, resting on a chair with one arm.

"A bird would never be that loud"

"It could be"

"I'm still going to check just in case" Kier opened the door letting in a sharp breeze of cold air. "Who knows.... Maybe I might stop us from getting robbed" Kier went out and Drew followed him out into the cold bitter night. Winter was drawing closer and Drew's teeth started to chatter loudly.

"Just wait here. I'll only be a second" Kier went up a few steps so he could have a good look across the top of their flat.

Suddenly a plane went by over their heads and both looked up into the dark sky to see nothing but distant flashing lights.

"Could've been a plane" Drew softly said.

"Don't think so" said kier. "Whatever it was it's gone now. We probably should just get back to bed" Kier jumped down beside Drew who was still shaking.

"So do I" Drew chattered. He didn't have a thick blanket like Kier's to keep him warm.

When finally they both got back to bed and were about to go off to Dreamland all 5 this time were startled with another noise. It came from the front door.


Now who could that be?

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