Wonder Woolman

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When drew told FVK they were thrilled with the discovery.

"You'll still be able to play with us though?" Shane said.

"Definitely!" Drew assured.

"This is wonderful!" Laurence exclaimed.

"Don't you mean woolerful?" Kier joked.

"What's your name gonna be?" Luke asked, feeling the wool of the costume.

"Eh I don't know yet"

"It needs to be something catchy" Said kier.

"Has to sound nice" Shane added.

"Have a ring to it" Laurence also added.

"And it has to resemble you" Luke said.

"You're right" Spiderman entered. "Now folks I expect none of you to tell anyone unless you want to suffer on pain of death. I mean I know youd've figured it out anyway but still we're telling you now and trusting you'll keep your mouths shut and never speak a word of this again. Your lives could all potentially be in danger. You don't want Green Goblin finding out that we care about you do you?"

Everybody thoroughly agreed.

"now back to names" Kier continued." You can't be Cowman or something random like that"

"But Sheepman doesn't sound that good either" Drew looked down at the costume.

"I know!" Said Shane, the brains of the group. "Why now Woolman?" that fits the description perfectly.

"Its too close to my real name"

"No one will know" Luke said.

"Hey why don't you add wonder to the start?" Laurence said.

"Oh yes! Then you can be called WONDER WOOLMAN!!" Kier exclaimed. "It sounds edgy, fun and covers all our points we made"

"It suits you" Luke said.

"It would" Shane agreed.

"Very well" annnounced Drew. "Wonder Woolman it is!"


The next few months were fantastic!

Drew managed to find all the time he needed for the band and the guys understood when he needed to rush off to help someone. And no one suspected anything. It was their little secret to keep and by this point Spiderman had moved most of his stuff in as he now lived with them and officially became one of the gang.

Also Spiderman now took off his mask when he was around them and was called Peter instead. When Drew first saw his face he couldn't stop staring. He was so handsome and Drew couldn't believe he had a new friend with the face of a God. It gave him funny butterfly feelings when he was around him, more and more so as the day's went by. Drew just didn't know why that was but really enjoyed being around Peter. A bit too much.

So that was when he was 'Normal' but what about when he was being Wonder Woolman?

Well when he was in superhero mode he was busy saving the people of London. He did all sorts of things from saving cats out of trees to one day stopping the tower of Pisa from toppling over when they went abroad. He was incredible and admired by everyone.

On all the newspapers he hit the headlines; 'Sheep man from the skies' 'Who is this sheep God?' 'Wonderful rescue by the Woolman' Everyone couldn't stop talking about him and Drew was very happy.

It was quite simple to carry his suit in a backpack and then suddenly go change and come back fabulous. Not that he wasn't already fabulous.


"You've got a bit of blood on your chin" Spiderman leant over to wipe it off Drew.

They were on top of Big Ben, looking over the city which from up here was like little fairy lights. The wind was surprisingly calm that high up and the sun had already gone at the end of another great day.

As Peter wiped drews chin he couldn't help taking his time. Just to get a chance to stare into his big brown eyes for as long as he could without it looking creepy. Just to be close to him, to be touching him... Wait what?!

"Thank you" Drew said quietly. Not letting on that he was enjoying the attention.

"Isn't it beautiful" Peter stopped and looked out across the city, trying to see to the far corners if that was possible.

"It is" Drew replied. He leant closer to Peter.

They stayed there for what felt like hours, side by side, staring into the vast lights before them. It was then that both of them realised individually that there was something special between them. They were more than just Batman and robin, they were soul mates.

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