The Fellowship Of The City

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"We need to think quick" said Spiderman, panicking.

Drew looked around rapidly. They were all here, all 6 of them. So why was their an extra smaller ice cage?...

Just then out of nowhere Hendrix jumped out and pounced on Darth Hater as he dug his teeth into the back of his thigh. He let out a scream and loosened his grasp enough just to let Shane squeeze out and take hold of his fiery sword.

As Hendrix attacked Darth Hater Shane used it to cut through the ice trapping Drew and Peter and the others.

By this point Darth Hater had dealt with Hendrix and he lay whimpering on the floor. How dare he hurt an animal!

"Run!!" Drew called to the others and the band made their exit through the cell door, Luke carrying Hendrix who whined and lay limp in his arms.

Once safely on the other side they contacted the police.

Drew and Peter stayed behind to tackle their baddy.


Hater kicked Drew's stomach


Drew smacked his fist into Haters face


Spiderman landed on Hater from above but bounced of him.

"Mwahahaha You can't catch me!!!" but that was shortly outlived as Peter cast out his web and wrapped itself round Darth Haters body like snakes. He tried to break free and was too strong for the bonds.

"I can't hold him Woolman!!" and each strand began to break like cables.

Drew knew there was only one thing for it.

"Cover your ears!!!" he called to Spiderman and everyone behind the door.

Spiderman and the rest did so. Darth Hater couldn't get his arms out of Spidermans grip to cover his own.

Drew took a deep breath and opened his mouth. His lungs rose like a balloon and then with an almighty cry he let out a tremendous bleat. "BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" his cry shoock the earth and in front of him Darth Hater passed out from the shock, dropping like a stone.

Spiderman then bound him tighter and carried him out.


"Well you're all in safe hands now" an officer said. A bunch of police cars and an ambulance pulled up. "And your dog I checked will be fine"

Everybody had gotten out safely and were being checked over.

"What will happen to Darth Hater?" asked Kier.

"Oh he'll be taken care of" said the officer, scratching his helmet. "He'll be in a coma for a couple of days and whilst he's in it we can give him a reversal drug which will take away his powers. Then he'll spend the rest of his miserable life in prison"

Everybody stayed around as news reporters gathered round interviewing the band.

Suddenly Shane gasped.

"What is it?" asked Laurence.

"The bomb!" Shane shivered with fright.

"Oh crap"

"What on earth are we gonna do?!?!" Kier exclaimed.

Drew gave Spiderman a look. They had to be careful not to give their identity away.

"I'll go" whispered Drew and he tried to sneak away.

"No you won't" said Peter clutching his arm. "It's too dangerous and I don't want to see you getting hurt"

Drew shrugged his shoulders from his grasp and managed to start sneaking out.

"Stop!" cried Peter.

Drew just simply turned round and said "I love you"

And then disappeared into the darkness...


Drew flew through the night, the cold clawing at his skin. His teeth were chattering as the weather threw up another load of icey wind.

He soon got to the top of Big Ben and clung on to the top. His boney fingers were white from the biting cold.

He looked around, skillfully climbing the building like a monkey, something he was grateful his powers gave him. He soon spotted it. A small metal cylinder containing a viole purple liquid strapped onto a small pillar.
Drew managed to walk over to it and removed it with ease. Nothing was too tough or heavy for him these days.

"What do I do now?" he thought. He then started to seriously panic. There was no way of deactivating it. No way at all.

Only 2 minutes left....

"Where can I possibly take it where no one will get hurt when it goes off?" he looked over the city of London. Everything looked so much better when Peter was there.

"I could bury it in the sea... No. It'll create tidle waves" he thought outloud.

Only 1 minute left...

"I know!" he exclaimed though no one was around to hear him. "Space!"


"Oh I do hope he's alright" said Luke. Shane placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"We're all doomed. There's nothing we can do" Laurence buried his head in his hands.

Kier silently stood by a still sleeping Hendrix, his grave expression mirroring what the others were thinking.

Peter had just left to find Drew.

Suddenly out of the inky black sky something which looked like a shooting star sailed across the face of the earth, burning brightly like it was on fire. But it was too close....


Drew hurtled through the clouds, through the hemisphere and up towards the blue horizon that covered the earth like a shell.

"10" Said an automated voice.


He still wasn't at a safe distance for it not to affect earth.




Drew hurriedly let the bomb go and tried to stop himself from travelling any further.


It was hard to move up here and he couldn't breath.


He knew it was too late. This climate was slowly sucking the life out of him.


He struggled to fly away and started gasping.


Drew blacked out.



As the world looked up from the streets or out their windows they saw a brilliant explosion of violet stretch across the skies as the sound of thunder rippled through the atmosphere.

There were lots of 'oohs' and 'aahs' as the new kind of fireworks littered the sky of it's contents.

But thankfully it was miles away so no one was harmed.

But unfortunately Drew wasn't.

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