A Very MARVELous Ending

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"Drewwww!!!" Peter called as he helplessly looked up and saw the limp body come hurtling down. It was impossible for him to be alive and he was singed from the fall and the explosion.

Peter had climbed up high on some buildings so he could catch him.

Peter caught him before his body shattered onto the earth below. He cradled him in his strong arms.

"My Drew" his eyes teared up as he stared down at the pale porcelain features of a lifeless Drew. He kissed his forehead as his tears trickled down onto his face.

Everyone had seen Drew fall down and ambulances had gathered round and people were now calling to Spiderman to make his way down with the dead body.

Spiderman reluctantly hoped down off the rooftops gracefully, being ever so careful of Drew.

As he lay him on the ground he heard a scream and then saw Kier running over, tears in his eyes.

"Noooo!!" he wailed, desperately listening out for a heartbeat. Nothing.

Laurence sprinted over, the tears already running down his cheeks. Then came Shane, then Luke.

Whilst everyone was grieving no one noticed a tiny little light squeeze between Luke's boot and Shane's knee.

Drew's fairy godmother.

She looked upon Drew and sighed. "Because you saved the world and have a good heart I will cast the greatest spell of all. I shall grant you back your life" she then gritted her teeth and flicked her wand, sending tiny stars over Drew.

No one noticed as they were all either crying or praying that he'd come back alive.

After she let out all her sparkle, her glow died and she fell onto Drew's chest, exhausted.

"No! Drew's fairy godmother!" Peter choked as he picked her up. "Don't tell me she's dead too!!"

Just then a cough came from Drew. Then another and his too dark brown eyes fluttered open.

"HE'S ALIVE!!!" Exclaimed Laurence. "I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S ALIVE!!!"

Smiles and gasps spread across everyones faces.

The paramedics rushed over and soon Drew was rushed to hospital. He was going to live and everyone was dancing for joy.


Despite Drew having major injuries he recovered quickly and after 2 months of constant treatment and being in hospital he was allowed home.

His fairy godmother now also lived with them as she was old and needed looking after. No old folks homes would-be accepted her due to height issues.

She was quite a laugh and definitely brought a bit of a woman's touch to their home. Despite being small she had well and truly taken charge.

Drew was soon back on his feet and out rescuing people with his friend and now life long partner Spiderman.

Hendrix was as perky and happy as ever and a trophy and line of medals lay on the mantelpiece awarding everyone for their bravery, and then an extra big one for Drew for going out of his way to protect the people of the world.


By now it was Kier's birthday they were celebrating and everyone was passing round huge slices of cake.

"I can't believe times gone this fast!" munched Laurence.

Suddenly Drew and Peter stood up.

"What is it?" asked Shane, ignoring Hendrix's puppy eyes as he begged for some food.

"Someone's in danger" said Peter.


As they zoomed through the air side by side, hand in hand towards the casualty Drew exclaimed;

"Ah, it's just another day of saving the world"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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