Too Darth For You

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Nobody realised the danger that lurked nearby. They were all too busy with other things.

Someone had been following Drew for a while and had managed to track down where he, Peter and the band lived. This person really detested Drew and Peter cause he was jealous of how much attention they were getting. He was called Darth Hater and was a particularly mean and slimy character. He was skilled at his job and had killed many people and left no trace behind. The only time he failed was when he tried to get Luke to fall to his death. His next target were the 6 residents of a little London flat. And their dog too.

Darth Hater also possesses super powers but unfortunately he uses them for bad things as he is a super villain. He had the power of running at the speed of light and had fire bombs which he could hurl for miles at great speeds. He also could shoot out ice.

He was so angry that they got all the attention yet he didn't (wonder why) and everybody worshipped Spiderman and Wonder Woolman but not him. His plan was to rid of the cities heroes and become ruler of everybody and make everyone do as he said and bow down to him.

He sat looking in through the foggy glass, sneering as Kier picked up a newspaper and Shane strummed his guitar. The others voices could be heard in another room and Hendrix padded over to the window, directly towards him, sniffing.

Hendrix started barking loudly as he had obviously picked up his scent.

Darth Hater quickly backed away and went round the corner of the roof. Then a horrid grin stretched across his face from ear to ear, resembling the grinch.

"Tonight..." his silky smooth voice told himself. "I'll strike" and he then slithered away, traveling so fast you'd have never known he was there.

Since the others were in support of keeping Peter and Drew's identity secret, and since the dog could detect when someone was near Darth Hater realised-

"they're all going to have to go. Every last one of them!"


Later on Hendrix was sniffing around the kitchen, looking for tiny crumbs he could feast on. But his nose picked up an odd smell, an unfriendly smell. Hendrix started to growl and headed over to the window.


"Anyone want some tea or coffee?" Laurence said holding up his mug.

"Well of course you will" Shane laughed.

"No thanks" said Peter and Kier simultaneously.

Laurence went through and boiled the kettle.

He heard rustling and went to the window to see what it was.


"Hhmm?" thought Laurence scratching his head, he was sure he heard something.


Ok, he definitely heard it this time. He went over and flung open the window. What he saw made him scream but something had already flung up to Laurence's mouth with a strong scented cloth so that no one heard him.


"Hhhmmm" Shane thought. "I hope Laurence is alright. It doesn't take this long"

"Maybe you should go and check just in case" suggested Luke, obviously not willing to volunteer himself as he was too busy enjoying relaxing in his comfy chair.

Shane got up and went through. He looked about and seemed slightly puzzled.

"Seems like he disappeared into thin air" he called back to the others. Since when had Laurence become a magician?

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