Jeepers Creepers!

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By this point everyone was thoroughly fed up and Laurence grumpily trudged out of bed and to the front door in his boxers. He then flings open the door to suddenly jump.

"Eh.... Can I help you??" a bewildered Laurence said catching his breath.

The others were standing behind the door asking themselves all these questions. Who was it he was looking at? Why did Laurence have a strange expression on his face?

"More like can I help YOU" the voice said. Drew thought it sounded familiar.
"I was sent here on a special request"

"Is this some kind of a joke?" Laurence sounded irritated.

"I can assure you it's not" the stranger took a step back with his arms up.

"A clown in a suit" Laurence murmured. "Well goodnight..." as Laurence started to close the door the stranger blurted out .

"Wait! I came here to see Drew! I have to see him first!"

Drew kept stepping forward but not enough to see who was at the door.

"How do you know Drew?" Laurence said.

"I don't know. I knew it ever since that wish he made tonight on his birthday"
Drew at this point rushed over to the door and flung it back.

What he saw made him gasp.

The figure was in a tight morph suit...

"What?" said Laurence. "Drew you deal with this. Looks like you may have a stalker" Laurence walked back to the others, clearly not in a good mood after being woken up.

His morph suit was red and blue with a mask that covered his face...

"Oh no oh no. Now you may think I'm not the real thing. A fake! But I can assure you that I am-"

He had a design going across his body which was formed like a spider's web with a logo in the centre of his chest....

"Real!" gasped Drew. What a coincidence that the night he made that wish he appeared!

"Hello! You must be Drew" the strong figure turned to look at Drew. "Sorry about the roof by the way. I sort of dislodged some tiles.

"You were on the roof?!" Drew gasped. How did he know his name?  Why would a strander go on their roof?! Drew might need to call the cops.

"Yeah. I misjudged the distance when I jumped from the building over there" he pointed away to a building that would be impossible for any normal man to jump across.
"That's why I knocked some tiles off. Geez. I hope no one was under there-"

"Wait wait wait!" said Luke in his bright fluffy dressinggown coming from his room. All the camotion had brought everyone out one by one.
"So you're telling us you're Spiderman?"

"Eh yeah? Obviously" the so called 'Spiderman' scoffed.

Luke tried not to laugh.

"Wait!" said Drew, trembling with excitement. "it could be true... I mean I wished to meet Spiderman and now maybe, just maybe here he is... What if my wish came true?" Drew looked hopefully at the man in the door.

"It did... A small fairy came and whisked me outta the sky. Your fairy godmother"

Kier raised a very confused eyebrow.

"Well" said Shane who had gone back to get his glasses so he could see better and was now pushing them up his nose. "Now we just need him to prove it..."


Through in the livingroom everyone gathered round to spectate Spiderman. Even Hendrix was in watching with keen eyes.

"Very well. Watch this" and with little effort the man jumped upside down onto the roof, peering at them bellow.

"Woow" gasped Luke.

"That's incredible" Shane stuttered.

"Also do you have any strong things you don't mind me breaking?'

"We have something in the cupboard. You'll never be able to bend it. It's impossible" Shane said standing up to get it.

Spiderman then simply took it off Shane when he returned and broke it in half with one hand. He then stuck the 2 halves together with spindly thread from his wrists and then showed his quick reflex skills.

"Oh.. My..." Kier stuttered.

"I never thought it could be true" Laurence's eyes popped out his head. "I'm so sorry for being horrible to you"

"Its really you.." Drew began, in utter disbelief. "You really came for me..."

"Yep. That's right" Spiderman beamed with hid hands on his hips. "And guess what else?"

Everyone stared in anticipation.

"I need Drew to join me"

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