I Will Always Be Your Robin

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Drew went to bed that night thinking about what happened that evening. He realised that the one person he needed to be with was Peter. He knew he would die for him if he had to.

He sighed in the darkness and the pitch black echoed back to him. It was empty. His bed was empty. His heart was empty. And he needed one person to fill it. Peter....

Drew then pulled his covers up closer towards him and then rolled over to sleep.

He dreamt he was saving the city with Peter, side by side. That Drew was his and he was Drew's and what that felt like. It felt amazing.

Then he woke up to find himself panting and looked up at the cracked ceiling with terrible heartache realising it had just been a dream and that it will always be a dream. The same every night but never a reality.


A week later Peter sprung on Drew with a very surprising question.

"Want to come to the restaurant down the street with me for lunch?"


So they grabbed their stuff and left.

They got there and booked a table. Soon they were sitting down.

"So I came here to tell you something" Peter said, munching on his food in his normal clothes. Drew kept staring at the gap in his shirt where it was buttoned loosely.

"Oh really" said Drew with his mouth full. "What is it?"

Peter hesitated and went a bit red which confused Drew. "It's about us..."
"Oh" Drew swallowed his food extra loud.

Peter looked uncomfortable. "I'll wait till you're done" he said.

So they ate on in silence because Peter had made things awkward and they both felt a slight tention between them as they sat opposite each other, their knives and forks squeaking every now and then.

"So..." Peter chugged down his last mouthful and then looked Drew in the eye.

Drew sat there silently in anticipation, not daring to move. What this it? Was it over? Was he getting fired?

"Basically I'm just gonna come out straight with this" he locked his beautiful orbs with Drew's. Peter cleared his throat several times before speaking.

"I.... I.... I really like you.... Drew.... And I know this sounds weird coming from me but would you be my.... boyfriend?..." Peter was so red in the face it was like he had his mask on.

Drew just sat there in stunned silence. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe his luck. Inside everything had just become 10 times lighter and Drew was over the moon.

"I know what you're thinking..." continued Peter. "You are embarrassed and hate me now and probably never wanna talk to me again..," Peter sounded so upset. He stood up to leave.

"-No" Drew said grabbing Peters arm. "Wait. I should have told you this ages ago but I really really like you and I have for ages and I'd love to be your boyfriend." Drew blurted out all at once so as not to think about what he was saying and then hold it back.

"Wow... really?" Peter leaned closer to Drew so the tip of his hair was touching his.

"Yes.... I think I'd die if I knew I couldn't be with you" Drew leant closer aswell.

Their lips touched. Peter cupped his hand round Drew's face whilst Drew desperately wrapped his arms round Peter's neck. Who cared if anyone was looking? Peter kissed Drew long and hard it was unbearable. He opened his mouth and slipped his tongue out. Drew eagerly returned the favour and soon their tongues were dancing together, swirling inside each other's mouths. Their hot breaths mixing as their noses clashed. Drew had his eyes tight shut and dared to open them to find Peter staring into him so closely drew trembled. He then closed his eyes even tighter. They both could feel the small stubble where neither shaved which nipped at each other's skin like little bits of sandpaper.


Peter carried Drew inside and gently placed him on the bed. He ran his rough fingers up Drew's sides as he pulled his top off. Drew leant over and started biting Peter gently, nibbling on his ear as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off.

"I love you!" Peter groaned to Drew who lay beneath him.

Drew answered back but with a deeper lonelier moan that echoed round the room.

It felt like they were the only ones who existed as the rest of the world crumbled around them.

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