Welcome To The Spider Side

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Once everyone had talked thoroughly through everything and gotten over their excitement Spiderman then needed to focus on Drew.

They let him share a room with Shane and Drew the next few days and for the remainder of the night. Everyone was tired the next day.

Spiderman had a great time with them. Drew was overjoyed that he had finally met his favourite person and he and Spiderman got on like 2 peas in a pod. It was like fireworks went off between them from the start and they became so close in fact that Shane got a bit jealous.

Then one day whilst drew was taking Spiderman on a tour of the surrounding area Spiderman started talking about a very serious topic.

"So" Spiderman said when he and Drew went outside into the garden. "I can see you're very into superheroes and maybe it was fate, or a fairy, that brought me here but this was no coincidence"

"What do you mean?" queried drew his hands in his pockets. It was a chilly autumn morning and the brown leaves were beginning to fall from the trees to form a crispy blanket which he and Spiderman now crunched on beneath their feet.

"I have been looking for a partner to work with me" Spiderman said. "Like batman and robin. It's just I feel I'd be better off with someone else. Someone I can trust" Spiderman now looked earnestly at Drew.

Drew gulped.

"I was wondering if you wanted to join me Drew. I know we've only known each other for a few days but I already get this connection with you which I don't get with anybody else" Spiderman paused before continuing. "I really need you Drew...."

Drew didn't need to consider it. Of course he would grab the opportunity to become a superhero! Who would be so stupid to turn down an offer like that?!

"I would love to!" Drew blurted out.

Spiderman smiled. He knew Drew wouldn't fail him.

"Well all I need to do is turn you into one. Now where is that little fairy of yours?" Spideman looked about the place.

"What fairy?" Drew asked.

"Your fairy godmother"

"My what?"

"Your fairy godmother. Didn't you know you had one?"

"Eh no?"

"Well you do. And she was there the whole time you made that wish and decided to be kind and grant it. So I was doing my spider stuff and she knocked me out the sky. She's very nice. And she told me to go see you. Wasn't that kind of her?"

"Eh. I still don't understand how that's poss-"


A cloud of pink and purple smoke appeared before their eyes. Once it cleared a little old lady came into view wearing a dress with a tiara on her head and a glittery star on the end of her wand.

"Hello boys" she said. "Heard I could be of assistance" she looked up at them both, she was so small she was just a little taller than Drew's thumb.

"Hello again!" Spiderman said. Drew just stood dumbfounded.

"Do you want me to help make Drew a superhero?" she said.

"Yes please!" Spiderman said.

"Very well. I have a plan so you'll just need to be patient and wait for it to happen. It will seem like coincidence but I can tell you it's not" she swished her magic wand. It left golden fairy dust hanging in the air around Drew.

"There" she said looking very pleased. "Drew dear do keep your mouth shut you'll catch flies" and then with another puff of smoke she was gone.

"I never even knew..." Drew whispered hoarsley.

"See I told you she was nice" Spiderman nodded. "Though I don't get what she meant by Waiting for the events to unfold..."


Soon they came to a sheep field and had to climb over the fence.

"Lady's first" Spiderman gestured.

Drew laughed and climbed over.

"Oh wow. Look at all these sheep" drew said.

They continued till they came to a very angry sheep. It glared at them menacingly.

"I don't like the look of that one" Said Spiderman Ponting at it.

"Neither" agreed Drew.

They continued walking then stopped when they heard galloping. They turned around to see the sheep charging after them, it's little horns pointing viscisiocly at them.

"Run!" cried Drew and they began to sprint. They ran to the other side of the field and then jumped over a big ditch onto the wall and then over. Well, Spiderman managed obviously, Drew didn't.

He lept, slipped and failed as he tumbled down into the muddy weedy ditch.

"Ugh!" Drew grit his teeth as he stood up all wet and muddy.

"Look out!" called Spiderman as the sheep flinged itself through the air straight on top of Drew.


It bite Drew hard on his forearm and he yelped in pain.
"Grab here" Spiderman offered a strong arm to pull drew up over the wall to safety and pushed the sheep out the way. It rolled back onto the embankment snapping at them but thankfully no one was bitten again.

"Phew! That was one mental sheep!" Spiderman looked down at Drew, then realising something was up bent down to help him.

"That sheep must've had rabies!" Drew studied his swollen arm carefully. "For it seems pretty badly infected" he touched his pussy arm and grimaced when all this grunge came out. "That's no normal sheep"

"It certainly isn't"

"It must have something weird inside it. For I feel more powerful. Like I can do anything!"

"Its like what the fairy said. This happened to me... Just with you it's sheep venom that's gotten inside you"

"She's right!"

"Yep. You ain't gonna feel normal again bro. You're now gonna have to get used to it like I did. Be careful. Don't do anything stupid right now"

"I won't. Geez! Ouch!" Said Drew clutching his arm as the poisonous venom seeped into his veins pumping itself around his body, changing him bit by bit.

"Well drew. Its safe to say you're one of us now. Welcome to this side of living..."

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