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Drew developed the ability to fly and jump over high buildings, like a lamb bounces about a field. He also could survive extreme temperatures as if he had a wooly coat on and could fire wool balls at people. His strength had improved 10 times what it was and he could deafen people with really loud bleats. And he could communicate to sheep too.

Drew had been practicing very hard the past 2 weeks in secret with Spiderman so he could perfect his skills and learn to control them.

He was waiting to surprise everyone.

He had to buy a costume with Spiderman so when the guys were told he already had all the gear to impress. So that's what they did 2 days later.

"Hhhhmmm. Now what should we buy?" Spiderman said. Drew now called him Peter whenever he wasn't in costume.

"Something which resembles a sheep" Drew said.

"So like a giant fluffy onesie?"

"Maybe not like that" Drew giggled.

They searched a bit longer till they came to a section on children's Halloween costumes. Spiderman headed straight for a costume sitting in the corner on a clothes peg.

"Perfect!" he exclaimed.

"Really?" said Drew.

"Of course. Here put it on in the changing rooms then come back out and let me have a look"

Drew went out and put it on. It was a bit tight but that could be adjusted. If he added a belt and mask he wouldn't look half bad in it.

"Well?..." he gave Spiderman a twirl when he came out.

"I love it!" Spiderman exclaimed.

"So do I!"

"Lets take it!" and then Drew went and unchanged again before rushing through with the bag and grabbing Spidermans arm as he ran to the counter like a little child.


As they were walking home to the flat some guys approached them. They were roughly the same age as Drew but looked mean and unkind.

"Oh oh" muttered drew.

"What is it?" Spiderman said.

"I used to know them" he gestures towards the 4 guys lumbering down the track towards them.


"Yeah. They were so horrible to everyone back at school... but especially to me. Sometimes they went too far"

"That sucks"

"Yeah I got called rotten names on a daily basis"

"That sucks even more! Poor you"

"I never even did anything in the first place. They'd just take my bag and toss it about saying 'naa na na naa naa, you can't catch me!"

"That's horrid"

"I hate them"

"So do I"

"It was aweful"

"Totally unfair"

"I wanted to kill them"

"I bet you did"

"Teach them a lesson"

"Well now you can!" Spiderman said casually.

Drew gave Spiderman a look. "I thought super heroes were meant to he nice? Not go killing people about the place?"

"Aha no wait! We get the bad guys. Like them" the boys had reached them now and were crowding round. "And it looks like you're gonna have to defend yourself anyway mate"

The men with the ringleader with a face like a bulldog glared down at them both. The ring leader Rory's eyes glowed a menacing green as he gave Drew the dirtiest look imaginable.

"Well well well if if isn't our old friend Drew" the second scrawny one said.

"What's news? In a gay band called Fearless Vampire Killers are we little girl?" the third one snorted, called Caelab.

"I swear you'd better leave me alone" Drew glared.

"And who's your friend? Some dude in a jump suit who you hired to be your bodyguard?" the forth spat at their faces. Spiderman was looking really mad, just his mask was in the way so no one could see.

"You always were a pussy drew" Rory said shoving Drew. To his surprise even though he gave Drew a hefty shove Drew didn't budge, instead it was Rory who fell over this time.

"Woah!" he said as he fell into the scrawny one called Ross. "What the hell?!"

Caelab looked over his shoulder to see an elderly woman leave her shopping bag stacked with goodies outside as she popped into the grocerys.

"Look what treasure we have hear" Michael the fourth one smirked.

"Don't" Spiderman said.

"Lets go"

"Don't" repeated Spiderman threateningly.

"And why not? Cause you're gonna use your special powers on us Mr Spidey. Everyone knows that you don't exist"

Michael had made his way over with Rory. They began raiding through the bag.

"Come on Drew now's your chance. The dream you've been waiting for" Spiderman grabbed his shoulder. "It's butt kicking time!"

They both leapt forward and smacked into them. They bounced back defenseless and for once looked frightened.

"Come on Drew. Let's show them you're the boss and you ain't gonna take their crap"

Michael ran up to Drew and tried to kick him in the face.


Drew punched him in the stomach and sent him flying back into a hard brick wall.


His body went. He moaned as he clutched himself where he was hit.

"Come on Drew!!" Spiderman chanted, easily tackling Ross who had a knife in his hand to the ground. Spiderman took it off him and threw it away before sticking him to the ground in a web.

"You look nice there like that" Spiderman studied his masterpiece. "Let's see how long it takes you to get out"

Drew then turned on Rory once Michael was taken care of. Rory started firing plant pots at him and Drew nimbly dodged them, accurately shotting out his wool balls, chopping then into pieces each time. Once Rory ran out of plant pots Drew then pinned him down to the ground and punched him hard in the face.

Spiderman had been fighting with Caelab and obviously won.

The other 2 ran away in fear, as pale as ghosts and with bruises and cuts. They got what they deserved. In fact they deserved even more.

"You'll pay for this!" Michael called behind as he ran.

"Ah the police will catch up with them" Spiderman said. "They'll be punished for their crimes for many years"

"What have they done that's so bad-" Drew began but soon realised. On the ground a burst packet of powder lay open. One of them must've dropped it.

"Now let's go before we grab too much attention. You aren't in costume and we don't want you to be found out already" Spiderman grabbed Drew's arm and they sprinted off.

"That felt good" Drew sighed as they ran.

"I bet it did. It was well earned"

"That was fun"

"Ah Drew... you've only just begun..."

SpiderDrewWhere stories live. Discover now