Luke, I Am Your Hero

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A few weeks later Drew was in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey" Said Luke, dumping a large bag on the table.

"Oh hi Luke" Drew busily stirred the giant pot which bubbled away happily on the cooker.

"I was just about to head out. My Grans not feeling to well so I'm going to cheer her up a bit with some flowers"

"Aw that's nice"

"Yeah. I was just bringing in all my stuff from the garage at my parents house. But it seems I won't have time to sort it so I'll just have to leave it here."

"I could sort it for you?"

"Oh no it's alright. I'll see you later" and Luke picked up another bag and started to leave.

"Have a good time and tell her I hope she gets better" Drew turned round with the wooden spoon, accidentally dripping stuff on the floor

"I will. Bye" and with that Luke had gone.

"Hello Drew. What's cooking?" Peter came in from the livingroom and snaked his arms round Drew's tiny waist.

"I'm cooking curry. Wanna try?" Drew turned round so his body was up against Peters and offered him the spoon.

"Mmmm smells nice" Peter licked it before squeezing Drew in a hug. "You're such a good chef. Bonus points for me" and he planted a kiss on Drew's cheek.

"Thanks" Drew said before turning back and concentrating fully on his hot masterpiece.


Luke finally got though the traffic and to his grans. He went to the flats and realised he couldn't get in the front way. Everything was being repaired.

"Oh" said Luke and he looked about as he tried to find another way in. He saw some rickety stairs which led straight up to hers at the top and so decided to climb them.

He went round and looked up, the wind groaned through them and the steps shook violently ad they clung to the walls of the flats.

"Oh well" said Luke. "It should be safe"

He put his foot up on the fist rusty step. It creaked and some rust dropped down. No wonder no one had used these stairs in years.

He then put his other foot up and then the next. Soon he was almost at the top and VERY high up as she was right at the tippity top.

Suddenly a big gust of wind struck the weak structure, rattling if like a skeleton. Luke gasped and clung on to the side. A big metal bar came and hit him in the side, knocking him off balance. He fell to the side and clung on to a jutting out pole. Then with an almighty creak everything gave way as it slowly started tearing away from the wall.

Luke was well and truly stuck. He couldn't get back across no matter how hard he tried as his side was badly cut and each movement was agonizing.

"Aaagh! HELP!" He called out. A few people arrived on the scene and all they could do was gape at how on earth he managed to get stuck up there.

"He won't have enough time. It'll be too late before the fire brigade get here!" someone called.

Luke could feel his hands sweating with panic as he hung in an awkward position. He grimaced as the sharp pain in his side grew stronger and blood started trickling down 30ft below onto the gravel road where an audience had gathered.

Luke was breathing frantically and he knew he didn't have much longer.

Then another gust of wind came down hard, trying to knock him off as if it was trying to humiliate him.

Then his grip gave up on him and his hands slipped...

... He knew he would fall to his death..

"AAAAAGH!!!" he screamed.

Just a few feet before he hit the ground a loud whisking sound was heard and something shot down out of the sky and scooped him up.

It was Wonder Woolman!

Everybody looked pop eyed as they saw this knight in shining armour lower gracefully to the ground clutching onto Luke.

"Drew-" Luke gasped as a hand flung to his mouth.

"Ssshhh" Wonder Woolman whispered in his ear.

"Everybody look! It's Wonder Woolman!!" people cried and soon the dazzling light of their cameras flashed as they all tried to capture the event.

"The ambulance will be here soon sir" Drew pretended he didn't know Luke. "That gash looks pretty nasty"

"Thank you so much Dr- Wonder Woolman. I never ever would've survived otherwise"

"No problem" Drew looked up to see Luke's Mum walking over. She was going slowly as she was ill.

"Luke!!" she called. Luke snapped his head round.

She came up and grimaced when she saw the giant bleeding cut. Luke was still whincimg in pain.

She placed a hand on Luke's shoulder then looked up at Drew.

"You saved him! You saved my son! You are one heck of a hero"


"Why did you go up those rickety stairs?" someone asked Luke.

"Because the main entrance was barricaded off" he replied.

"No it wasn't" said Luke's mum. "I went through that way just moments before you arrived"

"Then why were they put there for me?"

"Maybe because someone wanted to get at you" someone suggested.

"But why would anyone wanna do that? Who would do such a thing?"

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