Chapter 8: Matthias

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I excused myself from the ladies and followed her up the stairs. Hearing rustling from behind the far door, I approached. I'm finally going to meet her, speak to her.
I knocked.

"I'm going home, Tess-" Her voice rang out from behind the door. I smiled. This was going to be fun. I pushed lightly and the door swung open, revealing her, donned in pants and a loose shirt- not very flattering- one leg swung over the window frame. I chuckled.

"Leaving so soon? And in the presence of a Prince, no less."

I couldn't help myself. Despite the fact that she was the thief, and I had been searching for her my whole life in hopes of a legendary capture and a sure approval of my kingdom, she was also beautiful, and what can I say?
A little flirting couldn't hurt, surely?

"I-I, I wasn't expecting royalty..." She flushed, trying to come up with a conceivable lie. As if she believed I didn't recognise her.

My smirk widened. "You're the thief." She audibly...sighed? Why was she relieved that I knew?
Her voice was suddenly steady. "Good guess. And, actually, thief-ess? I am a woman."
I chuckled deeply and my gaze swept her figure. "Oh trust me, I can see that."
She scoffed. "Well, technically, I'm a criminal, and you're an ass that will get me killed, so... I'll be leaving." She span back towards the window.

I was so ready to capture her and prove to my father that I was right, and yet, all of a sudden...
I couldn't do it.

"Wait! I- I- teachmeabouttheforestandillletyougo."
Her brow raised a hair. "What?"
I sighed. "Teach me about the forest, and I'll let you go."

What am I doing?!!!?!

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