Oh sh*t

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Sean wanders around the woodlands, looking around his nose twitched. As did his ears, what to do? He had nothing to do then again what can a wolf do? Where to go? And what to do? Sean paced around the woods stopping down to the stream to drink. His blue eyes scanning around.

He was afraid that someone would see him, well that's half of it what if his friends found out? Anything can or could happen and who knows how anyone would react? Sean slowly walked back towards the city.

As he looked to the door toward his apartment he saw someone. Well, he saw a bunch of.....oh....oh shit it was Mark, Bob and Wade.

"Oh fuck why are they here oh no no no this is not good." Sean whimpered, luckily he was hidden in the shadows. Slowly he backed away but luck was not on his side. Knocking over a can he froze ears flat head low.

"Hello? Who is there?" Marks' voice rang out.
"See anything, and where is Jack?" Wade called.
"Nothing might have been a rat or bird," Mark replied.

Sean's heart was racing.
"To close....to fucking close," he thought.
But it did not last long, Bob saw him Sean forgot his eyes glow as a wolf.

"Guys look, something is watching us" Bob pointed to Sean.
"Oh........fuck" Sean's heart sunk. What to do? Oh no if he ran they might call the police. If he attacked....what am I talking about Sean would not hurt his friends. Ok, only one idea.

"Hey who are you!?" Mark called. Sean's legs were trembling as slowly he walked out into the light, ears still down and head low trying not to look threating.
"What the....fuck" wade whispered.
"Shut up wade, its just a large husky" Bob replied.

Sean's ears lifted a tiny bit. And started to wag his a tail.
"GOD I look stupid doing this, but as long as I don't look threating and I act like a dog I should be fine" he growled at himself.

"Hello, little....big buddy we won't hurt you" Mark crouched down putting his hand out. Sean sniffed and licked his hand.
"Uggg mark wash your hands they taste gross" Sean sighed. Mark started to fus his neck rough.

"No collar must be a stray." Mark sighed.
"HEY, I am no stray....." Wade walked over patting his head, Sean caught a glimpse of the time. 4:45am

"Shit I got like 3 minut......make that no minutes I'm turning human already" Sean whimpered as already he felt himself changing.

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