Hold On.

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As Sean mark bob and wade walked home, Sean looked behind him towards the rising sun. Today was going to be a good day. As they walked into the town and down to his place.

Mark asked him something allowing Bob and wade to move on ahead.
"So jack I want to ask you this, what is an alpha werewolf you mentioned it was the only thing that can hurt you in both....forms" He asked Sean sighed but replied with
"Alpha werewolves are territoy owners, mainly by bloodline they have an area they own and other werewolves can live there as long as they are no challengers, they hurt both form due to the fact they have a lot of power magical power."

"And what if an alpha wolf comes here will there magic go?"
"No it won't, the alpha around here he is nice enough met him two times. He was pissed off about the werewolf who attacked me. Now his pelt now decorates the alphas cave." Sean seemed to shiver at that and mark patted his back.
"One last thing how did you get the potions and books?"
"A witch a freind of the alpha she makes me a fresh batch every 6 months. She helped me learn about the new me. From what I know she was a celtic witch from Wales and met the alpha wolf and he asked her to come back to ireland with him to help his werewolves" Sean replied.

"Ahhhh ok well glad she did then eh?"mark laughed.
"Indeed, I do not want to be a killer mark, but if that ever fucking happens. Just don't forgive me or come near me I would not want to harm anyone." Sean sighed then mark slapped him
"OWW WHAT THE FUCK MARK?!" Sean shouted looking very pissed
"Jack you fucking moron you think that would happen? If it did we will forgive you that what freinds are for" mark replied a little mad, Sean sighed calming down.

"Your right mark, sorry I was clouded by my own thoughts there, lets catch up with the boys....race ya" Sean laughed sprinting of ahead. Mark chased after him panting when he caught up
"Not .....fair you got wolf..... speed"  Mark huffed.
"Haha oh mark I don't get any abillitys as a human" Sean laughed
"What the shitballs you beat me you ass!" Mark laughed
"Well ok I lied I have one abilty" Sean added
"Really what is it?" Wade asked

"I can understand dogs, and they can understand me" he smiled
"Like chica?" Mark asked
"Yup" sean replied
"Aww I want that abilty" mark mocked a child voice

-a few hours later-

"See ya jack we wont be long" Wade called as mark him and bob left the apartment to go out for a few hours.
"See you" Sean replied, they left to give him some time to edit in peice looking at the calendar there was no full moon today. Or so he thought, after a few hours of editing he had a headache walking into the kitchen he took a painkiller.
"Maybe looking at the screen for so long is not good for my health" Sean mutterd under his breath. Mark, bob and wade were out at a resturant having some dinner and just talking.

"Do you guys believe there is any hope for jack" wade asked
"I have no idea wade there is no cure for it so the best we can do is just be there for him" bob replied
"I just got a bad feeling like something bad is happing" Wade sighed. He was not wrong. Back at the appartment Sean had collapced there was a full moon tonight.
"N....ahh" Sean grunted trying to get to a potion. Chica was in her crate and was barking and growling. Sean fell uncontious trying to fight it back caused that. An hour later mark bob and wade came out the resturant.

Wade stopped shocked
"Wade? What is it?" Mark asked, wade just pointed to the sky mark and bob looked up
"OH SHIT NO JACK" Mark screamed as he ran towards the apartment.
"Not good....this is not good" bob thought

As they reached the entrance to Sean's appartment they opened it and went inside. They looked around in shock as things were desroyed and ripped up. Chica was growling towards his recording room.
"Where is he?" Mark whispered
The sound of a deeper growl was herd as out the room came Sean, well not really him the angry wolf with fury in his eyes looked at them ready to kill.
"Shit....were to late" mark cried
"What to do" wade said aloud but as he said that the wolf lunged at Mark. Quickly bob grasped the back of a hardcover book and slammed it over his muzzle.

The loud whimper of the wolf, there friend made them all shiver. Wade in the panic had knocked the lock of of chica's cage and when the wolf got up about to attack again. Chica darted out tackeling him down to the ground.
"CHICA!" Mark yelled, as chica and Sean tusseled on the ground wade had got a towl.
"I have one idea guys" wade said
"Do it then wade" mark shouted

Wade threw the towl right over sean head in confusion he stopped . Wade then was able to use chicas lead to tie him up.
"Wade I never thought I would say this, but your a geniuse"
"Aww thanks mark"
"But now what?" Bob asked
"We just gota hold on till dawn" mark sighed
"We can take it in turns to watch him, if he stuggels hold him down," Bob added
Lets hope they can.

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