into the night

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As the weary gang walked into the thick forest a large sensation of anxiety loomed. Sean looking around knew something was missing. 

"Where are the boarder patrols...where is scout?" He thought looking around. Pauseing he looked back

"Soemthings not right...there should be a boarder patol wolf here." Sean fretted.

"Do you think something has happend?" Asked wade

"I wish I knew." Sean murmred.

The group were closeing into convel's camp. Without warning Sean stopped. Before anyone had a chance to say anything Sean bolted.

"WAIT..Jack" mark called running after him. Mark looked at Sean who had stopped running.

"Hey buddy whats...wrong." Mark looked to what Sean was looking at. Horror flooded his eyes. 


The camp was destoyed bodies filled the camp. Some were not even dead many who could still walk had an injury the lucky ones had a few cuts. This was an attack not by one werewolf but hundreds.

 A pair of eyes locked onto Sean's this brown wolf had been blinded in one eye. He stood up as best he could and limped his was over to them.

"Get behind me now." Sean whisperd. Very quickly mark, bob and wade took a step back behind him.

The brown, blinded, bad-tempered wolf came right infront of sean. This was ospray he hated half-breeds like Sean. He hated humans even more. Now there were 3 humans and one half-breed here, right after an attack. 

He looked down right down 

"Sean you fucking half-breed twat!" He growled.

"Fuck of ospray let me past I need to see convel." Sean snarled.

"The hell you will, you brought humas here INTO OUR CAMP! and now they know about us, you half-breed mutt have crossed enough lines. Now you are going to die along with your friend's." He lifted his paw high in the air and brought it down.

Sean moved his head to the left and only a tiny sratch was left on his face. Suddenly a loud howl stopped ospray.

"OSPRAY.. what is the meaning of this?" convel shouted from accros the camp.

"But convel he brought humans here they know about us they can't live!" Ospray protested.

"Ospray they know about me being a werewolf and i told them about convel and werewolf lore so its not like they are compleat strangers to us ." Sean replied.

Ospray just growled in responce but backed away. 

"Thank you ospray." Sean mimicked a bow just to add insult to injury.

Walking through Sean saw scout. He was alive but barely. He must have had 20 large bite marks on him alone. Walking into convel's cave Sean saw he was barely injured.

"What happened here?!" Sean blurted out.

"You remember that alpha you talked about? Well this was him and a whole pack!" He growled.

"They attacked us without warning." Convel sighed he was exhausted. 

"Yeah he is after me I think" Sean replied talking of the bag from bob's back and he threw the head onto the floor. 

Convel stood his eyes fixed on the head. The gaze finaly broke and he looked up.

"He is killing innocent people to?" Convel asked concered.

"This is the only one we know about." Mark put in.

"I see, this is most troubling." Covel sat down holding his right arm where a large bite was. Staining his black fur.

"Look Convel this guy who ever he is, will strike again we need to stop that from happening again." Sean added

"How Sean, how can we stop an army?" He asked.

"Pretend to surrended." Bob spoke out from the back.

"What?" Convel growled.

"Well you are all hurt so if you pretend to give up. Heal up and prepare you can catch them of gaurd and destroy them at the next full moon." Bob gulped.

Convel sat looking deep into Bob's eyes, he leaned back before he turned his head to the side.

"For a human you're a smart one." Convel sighed.

"Thank you." Bob smiled.

"Convel was anything said by this alpha?" Asked Sean.

"Just some welsh language gibberish." Convel barked

"Wait Jack you said Convel had a welsh witch friend. Could she translate it that's if you rememberd what was said?" Mark proposed

Convel's eyes lighted up with joy and hope. He looked at Mark 

"Thank you! I could contact her and ask her. What is your name?" Convel replied

"My name is Mark" he informed

"Sean you have some smart friends." Convel noted

"Thank you Convel, I should also add this is Bob and this is Wade" Sean acknowledged.

"Well nice to meet you all. We normaly don't have humans here because they are afraid of us, but you are brave for setting foot here even if you have Sean as a friend. Also I would like to appologise for what ospray was like earlier he hates humans I wish I knew why." Convel chuckled.

"Well Convel its about time we leave...keep the head and try not to lose your's. If you find out what he said let me know as soon as possible." Sean replied before shakeing hands with him. 

"Don't worry Sean I will." He assured. 

Sean, Mark, Bob and Wade left the camp with some hope they would make it out of this ordeal alive. 


Horray I finaly got this one done sorry its rushed I have been working on exams and shit 

So bit of news there are only 2 or 3 chapters left depending on what plan i go with. We get to meet the welsh witch and learn what the dark alpha was saying and why he wants Sean's head so badly. :D

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