I'm sorry/secret

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"Shit shit shit, umm oh crap. Ok, jack think" Sean looked around. He had one idea, he barked loudly and then bolted away. Running he turned into an alley and into the woods.

"What the....?" Mark said confused then his attention turned to chica who was barking and growling.
"Whats wrong chica? Is something bothering you?" Wade petted her head to try to calm her down.
Bob had a weird stomach feeling. "Guys was I the only one who for some reason kind of felt they knew that dog?" Bob asked
"Nope not me"
"Nor me"
"I don't know but the eyes, the colour looked like someone I knew." Bob sighed looking around for that dog in the ally.

Back into woods, Sean passed out and the second the suns rays hit him he awoke, human and unlike T.V shows and films his clothes were on they seem to just appear when he is human again.
"Oh fuck what do I tell them?....oh yer today was the day they were coming shit" Sean Walked towards the apartment

"JACK!" Three voices rang out. He looked up pretending to look surprised
"OMG hello Mark, bob wade.....how long you been here?" Although he knew the answer.
"About a few hours, where were you?" Mark asked
"........I.....went out for a late night stroll across the city sorry"Sean scratched the back of his head looking down at the floor.
"Well, it does not matter now let's get inside its freezing" Wade replied.

Sean opened up the door and they went upstairs to his apartment.
"Nice apartment Jack," Bob said the thing is when Bob first saw Sean he looked right at his eyes and he could see that there was a faint glow to them that was fading away.
"Make yourself at home if you want to get your things take my card to open the door." Sean smiled.

Mark Wade and bob left, Sean rushed to his room and took down his Callender and hid anything to do with his curse that had no cure.

At the car

"guys, can I talk to you before we go back inside?" Bob whispered.
"Yer sure bob whats on your mind," Wade replied.
"Its Jack I feel there is something he is not telling us, like first him not being home even though he knew we were coming, the dog remember when I told you I recognised it? Well when Jack returned I saw his eyes, they had a faint blue glow to them the same as the dog. I'm worried he is hiding something major, and also he studied when we asked him where he was like he had to make an excuse" Bob said quietly.
"Are you sure bob?" Mark asked.
"Yes I am sure" Bob replied.

"Hey, you guys need help?" Sean came out to the car to help.
"Sure, thanks, jack" Mark replied.
Wade and Mark took a glance at Sean's eyes, Bob was right there was that blue glow to them.
"What is Jack hiding from us? Could he be afraid to tell us if its major?" Mark though carrying a bag of clothing upstairs.

A few hours later.

"Aww shit we are out of cereal, I will be back guys" Sean called.
Mark bob and wade waited till he left the block. They searched his house, Wade found a box of clothing, he looked inside he found a calendar with dates marked. looking further he saw a note and read it. What he read nearly made him scream.

"Guys found something!" Wade shouted.
"What is in it wade" mark replied
"Come and look"

Mark came and looked as Bob kept watch. Inside was the potions. On a label, it read 'Remember Sean drink before the moon rises', on the calendar days with the full moon circled it said 'get out the city, and head to the woods'. Then they found the most shocking thing, his secret, a piece of paper written by Sean told the events of the attack, then on the next piece, it said.
"I found out what it was it was a werewolf, and now I am a werewolf. I'm scared so scared, there is no cure for 'my breed' whatever that means, I can't let anyone know -Sean"

"OH SHIT,...OH NO" Mark shouted
"Jack is a.....werewolf" wade just sighed really sadly
"I.....I don't know what to say, I thought they were just in movies, books and T.V, shit guys Jack is on his way back!" Bob rushed.
Wade put the box back.

"HEY, guys I am back...I got about 3 different types of cereal" Sean came in with excitement.
"Oh hey Jack, nice what you get," Mark asked still seeing that glow in his eyes he guessed it lasted for a few hours or the whole day.
"I got rice crispies, corn flakes and coco pops...oh and some extra coffee Just incases" he replied cheerfully.
Chica Marks dog came next to Jack and started to whine and headbutt his legs.
"Hey chica hows it going girl......oh yer shh" Sean whispered to chica, he could understand her after all.

Mark walked over and put his hand on Sean's shoulder.
"But we need to talk we need to ask you something," as he looked at Sean the glow was still there.
"Umm sure" Sean walked into his living room and sat down
"Jack we know......we know what you have been hiding," Mark said slowly, Sean went red with shame.
"I...don't...know.... what your talking....about" his voice quivered, he was about to cry.
"Jack, we found out, the eyes gave it away." Bob sighed.
"Look, Jack, we know your a werewolf" Wade said calmly.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck, how? I'm sorry, I am so sorry for not telling you. Shit I am the worst friend" Sean cried, he was crying, mark gave him a hug
"Its ok Jack your a great friend, its ok to be upset. Why did you not tell us" mark asked
"I was so afraid, so afraid..I....I did not want to make you g....guys scared of me or...a....anything and then you would say something to the police. Or something, I am so sorry" Sean wiped away some tears.
"Its fine, so it's another full moon tonight? Right?" Bob asked.
"Yes I have to head into the woods ALONE and take my potion just before the pain starts" Sean replied still a little shakey
"What does that potion do?" Bob asked.
"Keeps my mind intact without it I would.....kill anything I see really without me knowing its like human me would have no control, and wolf me would have all the control, and anyway you already saw me as a wolf sooo." Sean laughs.
"Wait we have?" Wade said surprised.
"That dog this morning.....well that was was me, yer...." Sean giggles.
"OMG that was you haha" Bob laughed.
"Yes, I had to pretend I was just a dog, and believe me it was not fun" he laughed.

"Anyway let's get off the subject of my curse and let's play some GAMES," Sean says getting up but then wade mark and bob all just rushed it for one group around Sean.

Sean thought
"They accept me? I no longer feel so alone anymore I have true friends"

That curse. (Jacksepticeye Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now