Detective wolf

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"who is convel?" Asked Mark

"Convel is the alpha around here" Sean replied.

"The alpha?...wait so wouldn't he hate us for you know...being human?" exlamed Wade.

"I don't know really, but we have to try!" Sean reassured.

"Jack is right, we have to get as much help as we can" bob put in

"Alright Jack, where do we need to go?" Mark asked.

"Well let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet, first get the head in a bag, make sure that it is not see through." Sean replied

"Haha true that, so what about the blood writing?" Asked Bob

"umm...well we will wash it of but let me just do one thing" Sean took out his phone and took several pictures of the writing.

Bob walked back into the apartment getting what seemed to be a rucksack.

"Jack is this okay?" Bob held up the bag, Sean gave a thumbs up. Walking back he opened the bag, wade slowly moved the head into the bag with his foot.

The head was in the bag bob pulled the bag up and closed it. Mark then said something that everyone forgot about

"guys if there is a head here, where is the body?"

Everyone stopped.

"True, right so there is a headless body around here somewhere" Wade questioned

"Mark, I hate to ask you but can you walk with me to find the body" Sean added.

"Of course, any ideas?" Mark replied.

"well the fact blood is still seaping from the head it can't be far... the one time I wish I was in my wolf form haha" sean nervously laughed. 

"Hey guys while you two look for the body what should we do?" Asked bob

"Head to where chica is buried its the easiest place we can meet up" sean sighed

Mark looked towards the floor like he had been shot with a bullet in the back.

"I am... so sorry Mark" Sean whisperd he hesitated into putting his hand onto Marks shoulder but when he did !ark looked up smileing .

"Jack come on now you don't need to do that" Mark siniffed. 

Suddenly Sean looked towards the stairwell and rased down it. He almost flew down the stairs with haist. Looking to his left a large dog was barking he ran over and the dog stopped barking when he saw Sean. 

"Calm down big guy" Sean whisperd to the dog.

"B....body....blood....bones...wolf" The large dog growled looking into the bushes and looking back towards the wolf talking to him.

"Ok bud you can go now go on your master needs protecting" Sean urged 

The dogs ears bounded up and he ran of to go and find his master. Checking no one was around sean looked into the bushes and there lay a horrific sight.

A body headless at the sholders. Torn away by a huge weight blood was everywere as on the exsposed neck the sound of flys and the sight of maggots burring into there meal over the arms and legs lay sevral large bites and gashes. Some were so deep they exsposed or even had desroyed bone. Around the neck was a large pool of decaying blood. 

Mark came around the corner and held his mouth and breath at the sight, trying not to cough or throw up he tried to keep his gaze on Sean not the morbid sight that lay before him.

"Jack what the fuck is this?" Mark squeeled 

"Mark we found our dead guy and it looked like that other alpha fucker did a number of this guy" 

"So what the shit do we do now?" Mark asked with his muffled voice.

Sean just glanced at Mark before pulling out his phone again and takeing multiple pictures of the sight. 

"We should go before anyone sees us" Sean replied walking deeper into the bush avoiding the corpse, Mark shortly followed. They reunited with Bob and Wade near chicas grave.

"Any luck in finding nemo...I mean the headless body?" Wade asked

"Oh we found it alright fucking gross." Mark spat

"Look we got all we need pictures and a head lets go meet convel" Sean added.

Leading the way Sean, Mark, Bob and Wade went into the woods, would they return alive? Or dead? 

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