No longer alone

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"ehe thanks guys, your true friends." Sean smiled after the hug eyes still red from crying.
"No problem Jack your our friend, we will always look out for you," Wade replied, before ruffing Sean green hair.
"Hey its going to be fine Jack, even though there is no cure we will do our best" bob replied
"Wow thanks, guys, you really don't care that I'm a werewolf, I am amazed but grateful," Sean said.
"So Jack is there anything we should know when you are a wolfy," Wade asked.

"Well there are 2 major things, one is that when I have taken the potion about 95% of my mind is me however there is 5% controlled by the wolf, but it's harmless its what I call the puppy mind, in other words, that 5% is just like a normal dog, like my tail will wag, chasing sticks ECT." Sean paused and took a deep breath.
"Now err the more major one is the unexpected full moons now most of them are on the calendar, however rarely there can be an unexpected one. This means I might not be able to get to the potions in time. If you're around force one down me if you have to get it? And if you return and I'm in no control, do not and I repeat DO NOT be afraid to hurt me if I am about to attack. All injuries I get at a wolf will be healed as a human unless I get attacked by an alpha werewolf." Sean sighed walking into the kitchen.

"Got it, what do we do if that happens?" Mark asked.
"Try and pin me down, don't get bit, tie me up to do anything to stop me till morning" Sean called from the kitchen.
"Got it" bob called back.
"I don't want you guys to fuck it up, I would never forgive myself," Sean thought, shaking his head to clear his head of thoughts he grabbed a plate and put lots of cookies on it for him and the boys.
"So err Jack I was wondering, is it painful when your changing?" Wade curiously asked
"Ohhh fuck yer its so painful, after all, every bone in your body is breaking and a bunch of other shit, I am glad it's not you guys stuck with this and it's me" Sean....even in times like this your still humble.

-hours later sean, mark, wade, and Bob had recorded 5 videos together.-

"Omg that was fun" Sean scheduled his voice cracking a little
"Haha ok calm down jack, whats the time?" bob asked
"It's 8:10 pm Jack do you need leave" mark replied sadly knowing what his friend was going through.
"Y......yeah its time for me to leave" Sean sighed grasping a potion from the box and a hoodie.
"If you guys do follow me please stay away from me from 8:40 to 8:47 I......I don't want you guys to hear the sounds and screams....but I would prefer if you did not follow" Sean gave a weak smile to his friends before leaving.

"We following him?" Wade asked as he saw Sean enter the woods.
"Oh hell yer, he has done this to many times alone," Mark replied
"I have an idea.." bob walked into the kitchen, finding a sandwich bag he opened it and went to the fridge where he put some slices of raw bacon into the bag.
"Clever bob very clever" mark and wade giggled.

Sean sat down next to the tree he sits by every full moon.
"5 minutes Sean then you take the potion 7 minutes from then the pain will be over, they best not followed me, I mean it's nice if they just want to keep me company but I don't want something to happen to them," Sean mumbles to himself.

Mark bob and wade saw Sean leaning against the tree, he grasped the potion and drinks, mark, bob and wade back away so they don't disturb Sean.

Sean's POV
Fuck, fuck, shitty fuckers, it's starting, unsure if my buds were close I stuffed my hoodie sleeve in my mouth in hopes it will muffle the sound, but I knew I was still screaming loudly it did nothing almost

Marks POV
Oh god.oh shit......his screams, they were so sad I...I felt so helpless to do anything, I wanted to block it out the screams and cries were just heartbreaking, I never ever want to hear this again.

Bob's POV
Fuck, to here someone always so happy, in so much pain, I can't. I want to cry for him. His screams are like him asking for help for the pain to go away.

Wades POV
Poor poor Jack, this was something he has had to deal with for 5 years? He is brave for taking it head on, but his cries and screams made my blood curl. Can't we help him? I want to help him badly.

"Fuck whats happing?!" Mark shouts Sean's screams were changing as he was changing, the normal human screams became deeper and more animal.
" changing"bob quietly says to mark patting him on the back.
"Awwww I feel bad" wade moaned.

After a few minutes if it changing it became wolf-like.....then a loud howl. Then silence, just that silence.

"Should we check?" Wade said walking forward. They followed wade when they arrived, there was no sign of Sean.
"Where is he?" Mark whispered.
"Hey guys over here" Bob pulled up Sean jacket, it had blood on one of the sleaves.
"I guess he tried to muffle his screams.....aww crap I hope he is not far" Wade muttered.

A sound of a few rocks falling made them look, they could not see anything until a pair of blue eyes appeared on the overhanging rock.
Mark bob and Wade stepped back in case it was not Sean, the creature walked out into the light there a greyish brownish wolf stood to look ashamed.
He sat down his ears back and head down but his eyes glaring up at them with a look that no friend would forget.
"Omg jack?" mark asked the wolfs tail started to wag and his face lit up with relief and happiness and his ears sprung up.
"Ahhh jack!" mark ran up wrapping his arms around his friend. Sean gave a wolfish laugh putting his paw over marks shoulder as a hug.
"I'm so glad you're ok. We thought you ran already" mark sighed with relief smoothing the top of Sean's head, sean just gave him a really? look
"Why mark why are you petting me?"
Wade walked over with bob also giving Sean a hug.
"We heard the sound, you were right. It was fucking awful" bob sadly told Sean. His ears went down and Sean looked at the floor
"Aww, jack nothing to be ashamed of" wade reassured him.
"I still wish you never heard it"

"Jack here," Bob pulled out a piece of bacon giving it to Sean, he ate it quickly, shifting took allot of energy he pawed at mark before moving his head in a direction.
"Let's follow jack" mark called
Sean led them to a cave, his cave it was small but had space for them all, Sean had a bed of dry grass he lay down in it before very quickly falling asleep
"It must take a lot of energy to change I guess" Bob replied.

"Aww he is cute like this when he is sleeping through," Mark said slowly petting the top of Seans head
"I have to agree"wade added
"Gosh damn, it is too cute" bob giggles.
Sean then just opened one eye and just gave a giant wolfy smirk and laugh before going "back to sleep" totaly
"We are so dead"
"He won't let us hear the end of this"
"You sure are right I am so going to annoy them about this muahaha I'm so evil"

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