Curse of everlasting shadows

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A pale-looking moon set below the forest allowing the twisted light of the sun to rise. Tired and anxious the gang sleepwalked out the forest. The sight of the town was such a relife, a brake from all the crap, the tiny sense of freedom was euphoric. It all evaporated quicker than it arrived and the trepidation returned.

Returning back to Sean's appartment the feeling was of great woe. Everyone was on edge it was like a knife point. The tempation to sleep was fervent and with the sofa freely uninhabited slowly everyone crashed out and fell asleep. All exsept Sean. Smling he hevely picked himself up to go to his own bed to sleep.

Convels POV

Convel paced back and forth growling with stress and fear. Not long after Sean, Mark, Bob and Wade had left he had sent out a raven to his dear friend, Eos. While at it he sent a raven to his neighbouring clan telling them they would be hanging out in the far east till they could heal. 

Leaning against the cave entrance he watched his pack, his family move out slowly heading east into the rolling green hills of peace. But peace was bitter and vile now. A few slow day-like hours passed and the sound of horse hooves made convel alert. He relaxed when he saw Eos arrive.

"Eos, it's good to see you old friend" convel hummed.

"It's good to see you to convel, but we have no time. I need to know every last detail" she commented.

Leading the way convel sat down explaining everything to Eos. Her Amethyst eye's filled with concern. Convels golden eyes filled with greif. 

She turned to the side, her dark long blond hair hid her emotions. Seconds later she leaned back looking towards the cave ceiling. She looked distraught. 

"Convel....this is not good. Nothing about what you told me gives me hope for the future." She sighed

"Why? Eos what is going on here?" Convel pleaded.

"What he said, 'Bydd y noson diddiwedd yn dod I gyd, bydd ofn y tywyllwch' do you know what that means?" Eos asked.

"No, I don't"

"It means "the endless night shall come, all will fear the dark" an old welsh werewolf tribe spell." She gulped

"It means one thing, he plan's to bring an endless night, a full moon 24/7. A curse so powerful that the only way to reverse it is to..." Eos broke off.

"Is to what?" Convel rushed.

"Is to kill the witch who cast the spell, and the alpha who sacrificed his blood for it to work." She replied. 

"Oh..well ok so how do we do that?" he questioned.

"For now we need to do something. How many werewolves in your territory are half-breeds?" She coaxed. 

"Seven in total, why?" He wondered. 

"You know what happen's to half-breeds during a full moon, they go mental." She put in.

"Yeah, I know"

"Look convel, I need you to send a message to every half-breed to come here now with one of their potion's as soon as possible! I need to do something to stop them from going fucking mental." Eos voice was filled with worry.

"Alright, then I can send 3 guys to collect the 3 in the town. The other 4 are part of my pack so I can recall them here" he called over 3 full breeds.

He talked to them and told them who to go to and what to do. Sending them off to the town

"So what do you have in mind?" He asked

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