night life

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"Pfft haha he won't let that go not one bit" Bob was laughing really hard.
"We all said it bob so you can't talk" Mark replied. 
"I know, but that reaction was priceless" Bob smirked.

After one hour Sean woke up

"Hey Jack, good nap" Wade asked, Sean gave a little nod before giving a giant yawn.
"Holy shit, them teeth." Mark gasped, while Sean rolled his eyes walking outside.
Getting out he shook his fur and wandered down to the stream, putting his front paws into the water he bent his neck down drinking the water. Mark wandered behind him quietly
"Hey Jack," Mark said, Sean jumped around him pretty much just shit himself.

"Oh sorry did not mean to scare you," Mark said with guilt.
Sean just sighed and walked up to mark headbutting his hand as a way to say your forgiven
"SEPTICPLIER AWAY" Wade shouted, Sean just gave wade a mad look and a growl, and mark just stared at wade.
"No......bad wade" Bob replied.
"Oops, sorry guys" wade apologised.

As the band of 4 sat out in the woods it was a calm night the stars were bright and so was the moon. Mark bob and Wade sat on a log. As Sean sat on the ground looking up at the sky. His blue eyes burning with compassion that his friends came to be with him. Mark out of board threw a stick across the woods. Suddenly in a flash, Sean's wolf mind activated. He chased the stick picking it up.

"AHAHAHA" mark was laughing so much his sides were hurting. Realising what had happened Sean dropped the stick and slowly walked back feeling very embarrassed. Mark still dying of laughter said
"Omfg thing I have ever fucking seen" Mark giggled.
"Fuck you wolf mind" Sean growled

Wade and Bob were both laughing too, but not nearly as much as Mark.
"Mark, are you doing?" Bob joked
"I think so!" He replied. 
"Well, Jack was right about the "puppy mind" thing, glad to see what he meant," Wade said aloud.
Sean looked glanced at his friends laughing himself on the inside, he just gave the best smile as a wolf as he could.
I'm glad you find this entertaining because if I'm honest it is.

Sean though as mark petted his shoulder who is still giggling like a madman. Finally, after ten minutes mark stopped laughing. Wiping away tears from the laughter his first words were

"Of fuck man, my sides are hurting pfft wow jack, just wow" mark sighed trying to get his breath back.
Wade had a sneaky idea, he grasped a stick from the floor, Bob saw it and was already giggling
"Hey jack boy" wade teased the stick in front of him, his ears went back as he ran to wade waiting for him to throw it.

"Omg wade, why?" Mark sniggered wade launched the stick as far as he could like a bolt Sean darted after the stick picking it up from the ground he carried it back to wade. Dropping the stick by his feet before backing up and doing a play bow and waiting for him to throw it again. Wade picked it back up and threw it again and again Sean bolted for the stick,

Throughout the night mark, bob and Wade played with sean. Throwing sticks, play fights (normally mark VS sean) tag and hide and seek. This meant sean was entertained. Even throughout the night sean just played even if his human mind was in control, everyone was having fun.

As the daylight climbed up. Sean bolted behind a tree after about 30 seconds, the normal loud green haired goof came around the corner.
"WUTUP GUYS!" Sean shouted only to be greeted by hugs by his friends.
"Hey Jack, enjoy last night" Mark teased.
"I am surprised your not fucking dead from all that laughter" Sean replied.
"Well it was fun" Wade smiled.
"You guys called me cute when I was sleeping"Sean teased.
"FUCK you remember" Bob cried.
"I will never let that go" Sean laughed.
"Damn it"
"Oh come on"
"Why jack? Please let that go"
"Haha nevah" Sean laughed.

And the band of 4 headed back to Sean's apartment.

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